Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Be Still

 There are plenty of things to get stressed about in life. Health. Finances. Family dynamics. Political problems. Work related crisis. The economy. Some or all of these can take a toll. It can overwhelm the mind. 

It is good to be still and know that God is God. Ps 46:10. We are exhorted to be still and know He is God. The word God is the Hebrew word Elohim. It means to be exceedingly great. He is the supreme creator of the universe. The phrase be still can also be translated cease striving. In our hectic and frantic paces, it is good to be still and remember who God is. Completely in control. Masterminding circumstances and outcomes we cannot fathom. Omnipotent in power. Without rival or equal. God is supreme. 

Hundreds of things can happen on any given day to distract us and make us forget who God is. It could happen in the form of an unexpected trial, a health issue, a world crisis, or another pandemic. The world teeters on the precipice of WWIII. There are a lot of things to be concerned about. 

Face the facts. We cannot control the things that happen all around us. We cannot control the outcomes as much as we would like. We can constantly remind ourselves God still rules and reign sovereignly. We can find help and refuge in Him. Ps 46:1 We can find renewed strength to brave another day. Is 40:31 We can find peace that surpasses all understanding from God. Phil 4:7

Whatever is going on in our world I remind you of two things. God is not taken off guard. He is never surprised by anything. He knows everything. He is prepared for everything. Secondly, God can handle it. Whatever comes our way God can help us get through it. Even the tough days. He is a Good Shepherd. John 10:11. He does not abandon His flock in difficult days. 

So be still for a moment. Recalibrate your mind to the eternal truth of Ps 46:10. Cease striving and stressing. Let God do the heavy lifting. Ps 55:22. 

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