Who dares awake the king in the middle of the night? The king's child can. So can you and I call out to the King of Kings with our requests. Being His child gives us the privilege to call out to Him in moments of our need. He grants us access to Him day or night.
Even earthly fathers know how to be accessible and give good gifts to their sons and daughters. Earthly fathers are not perfect. They operate out of love, but they still have a sin nature. God is a good Father. A perfect Heavenly Father who has no sin. If sinful earthly fathers can give good things to their children, so can God give even better things to His children. [Matt 7:7-11]
So, we come to Him and ask. Just like a child will come to a parent and ask. Sometimes the child will ask persistently. We are exhorted to ask. In the original language that does not mean to ask once and to stop. It means to keep asking continuously. Just like good parents do not give a child everything they want no matter how much the child badgers the parents, so God does not give us everything we ask Him to do for us. He is far too wise for that. He knows what is best far better than we do.
When I am faced with tough decisions I ask God to choose because He knows what is best. He can be trusted. We are told to trust Him and not to lean on our own understanding in [Prov 3:5-6]. He will direct our path in the way that most pleases Him and according to His purposes.
We ask, seek and knock. We do this with the full assurance of a child asking a parent expecting the parent to respond to the request. God not only listens, but He also intervenes in His perfect timing and in His perfect way. God is never in a hurry and neither is He ever late. He looks at time totally different than we do. Remember with God one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as is one day. [II Pet 3:8] For impatient people that is hard to swallow. God's timing is perfect. So we keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking.
The assurance is that in His time we will receive. In His time we will find. In His time the door will be opened. [Matt 7:7-8] So go ahead. Call out to your King no matter what time of day or night it is. Like a good Father He is available to help His children. We may not get what we want the first time we ask, or find the first time we seek, nor have the door opened the first time we knock. We can rest assured it will happen eventually. That is His promise. As good Father, God keeps His promises.
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