What is God's unique vision for you? Some people try to follow in other's footsteps mimicking their lives. Each life is uniquely and intentionally designed by our Creator. No matter how hard I try to be Billy Graham, I will never be like him or used like him. That was God's unique design for his life to reach millions of people for Jesus.
I am convinced that each of us was created with purpose. See Psalm 139:14-16, Jeremiah 1:5 and Ephesians 2:10. Once God has revealed His vision to us we are responsible to live it out. The challenge comes when we want to compare God's vision for us to God's vision for someone else. We are not in competition with other's unique vision. God set the race differently for each of us. We are to run our race with endurance. Hebrews 12:1
God put you on this earth for something. He has an assignment for you. Susannah Wesley is not near as famous as her children. She had multiple children and raised them to fear the Lord. Two of her sons were used prominently while there is relatively little is known about the rest of the children. Her son Charles wrote a great many hymns. Her son John traveled England and the American Colonies preaching and calling people to Jesus. John is credited for starting the Methodist denomination and he and Charles for being instrumental in the First Great Awakening.
Lottie Moon only stood about 4 feet 11 inches tall. Yet she fearlessly proclaimed Jesus in China like a giant. Today a missions offering is collected each year in her name. Her unique vision was to share Jesus with those who had not heard in a culture far different from hers. She tirelessly wrote letters back home to generate support for the work in China.
Father Nash is very little known today. He was an associate of Charles Finney. Before Finney went to a town to preach revival meetings he sent Father Nash in advance. Nash would secure lodging and then started fervently interceding before Finney arrived. Finney got the attention because God's unique vision for Father Nash was to minister in the secret place where nobody saw his ministry.
Sarah Havner is not a household name. Many preachers know about her husband. Sarah was married to Vance. Vance started preaching when he was only 12. He stood in a chair behind the pulpit to proclaim the Bible. He traveled the United States preaching in horse drawn buggy, trains, planes, and automobiles. Here is an interesting note. Vance never learned how to drive. Sarah did all the driving. Vance stood on stages in some of the most prominent churches in the land. Sarah sat quietly and prayerfully listening to her husband preach some of the same messages over and over again. She never had a home to call her home. They rented a home, but were seldom there because they were on the road most weeks of the years living out of suitcases. She never had children and yet was surrounded by children from all over the United States in church after church. Constantly changing scenery and meeting new people. Her unique vision was to help her husband live out his unique vision.
The challenge is for each of us to live out God's unique vision for us. We each have a role to play in God's unfolding drama. Some are assigned lead parts. They will be displayed more than others and will get more notoriety from the crowds. Others will play support roles hardly noticed by the crowds, but known and appreciated by God. It does not matter what part God assigns us. We must play our part well and do it for the glory of God. Colossians 3:23 in fulfillment of His unique vision.
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