Thursday, March 6, 2025

Weary and Heavy Laden

 Jesus invited weary and heavy-laden people to come to Him to find rest. [Matt 11:28] Hearers were weary from all the oppressive religious burdens heaped on the Jewish people by the Pharisees. They could not live under the burdens. Neither could they sustain the heavy tax burdens placed on them by the Romans. 

There are weary people in our days as well. They work hard but cannot seem to get ahead. People work hard but the American dream is further out of reach than ever. Home ownership is no longer affordable for my sons without God's miraculous intervention. The price of groceries, everyday household items, and transportation have soared to all-time highs. Add to that the decreasing health of the American people, the corruption in the government, and the brink of world war only add to the weariness. 

Jesus invites people to come to Him and find rest. A few years ago, I was told that that students in one high school were on anti-anxiety medication in the highest number in the history of the school. I am sure that also is true in other schools and other sectors of society. People do not live in peace and rest. 

We are told in [Ps 46:10] to be still, or cease striving, and know I am God. People strive all the time. Constantly keyed up. Working and worrying feverishly. There is no rest. People look for all kinds of ways to find rest. Medication. Substance abuse. Sexual escapades. None of these provide the long-sought rest. 

Jesus offers rest. Peace. Repose. Nothing else can provide that rest. No matter the source of your weariness and heavy burdens Jesus will take it from you in exchange for His rest. Why wouldn't any people accept that trade? It is a no brainer. To give up things of which we have no control releasing it all to the One who holds the whole world in His hands. 

You have a choice. Live under stress resulting in ulcers, insomnia, and heart attacks. You have another choice. You can pray about everything, not worry about anything, and receive God's peace in your heart and mind. [Phil 4:6-7] Prayer or stress. Burdens or peace. Weary labors or rest. We have a choice. Which will we choose?

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