Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Fear or Faith?

 As the day unfolds how will we choose to respond? Fear or faith? There are plenty of opportunities for both if you choose. Things to fear are all around us. Look long and hard enough and you will find something that scares you. The price of eggs. The escalating price of everything. Disease. We even fear things that will never happen to us. 

It was just a year ago last Friday that the wildfires broke out and burned so much of the Panhandle. With that terror fresh on their minds, the predicted wind gusts up there today are forecasted to be as high as 70 mph. Definitely an opportunity to fear again. 

Or we can choose faith. Faith is the assurance of things of hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. [Heb 11:1] Two people can go through the exact same circumstances and one approach them from fear and the other approach them from faith. I read about such an incident this morning in [Matt 8:23-27]. A sudden storm arose on the sea while Jesus and the disciples were in a boat. Jesus slept. The disciples feared for their safety. How can that be? The same waves were toppling over the boat for both Jesus and the disciples. Jesus had faith that He was in the Father's hands of protection. The disciples gave into the frightening possibility of capsizing and drowning. Two responses to the same circumstances. 

How are we facing today? Things may be really tough and trying. It may be really hard sledding. The potential for dangerous devastation stare right in the face. Do we shake in fear and crawfish back in cowardice? Do we grab the shield of faith holding it firmly as we march forward in the battle? Faith can triumph fear. It really comes down to what you dwell on. 

Choose to dwell on God and His enduring faithfulness. There is not a trial that He cannot triumph over. There is not a sorrow that He cannot heal. There is not a financial need so large that He cannot supply easily from His abundance. Focus on God and faith will grow. Focus on faith promises and prayerfully watch what God can do. 

Fear is just doubt masqueraded. Repeatedly we're told in Scripture not to fear. Fear has to be replaced with faith. Faith will supplant fear. If we let it rule fear will overcome faith. So, which will it be? Fear or faith? Faith will usher in God's peace. Fear only leads to anxiety. 

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