Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tipping Point

 Several years ago, I went with a group of students to a water park. My favorite thing to do there was to stand under this oversized barrel perched overhead. The barrel was filled with water streaming continuously from a pipe. As the barrel filled, it began to tip ever so slightly. The sign of this brought people running to stand under the barrel all waiting to get drenched by the gallons of water that would pour out. I stood under that barrel several times waiting to get doused with water. With every gallon of water, we could see the barrel inching over further and further until it passed the tipping point. 

In like fashion, God is storing up His wrath for this sinful age. Day after day His wrath, seething anger, righteous indignation, rage and full fury are filling up. The barrel of His wrath is tipping more and more. Woe to us who stand in the path of that wrath when it finally reaches the tipping point. 

People seem ignorant of this fact. People are oblivious. Satan deceives and God continues to grieve. Masses are led astray down a path to eternal destruction. America smugly embraces sin and scoffs at God and His laws. What a dangerous game of chicken we are playing. God does not bluff. He will not change. He will not bend to our will or lower His standards. He will not alter His course. If we continue to defy Him, we will pass the tipping point and woe be to us. Our education, expertise, nor economy can save us then. His justice will be dealt with perfect impartiality. We will all get what we deserve. 

America is not guaranteed to survive. How God blessed this nation, and we turned our backs on Him. We mocked Him, rejected Him, denied Him, and in many conceivable ways tried to remove remembrance of Him in our society. We will reap what we sow. [Gal 6:7-8] We need to listen to the prophet [Joel 2:12] and return to the Lord with all our hearts in sorrowful repentance pleading for His mercy over His judgment. 

We are nearing the tipping point. A point of no return. Every day that we do not experience God's judgment is another day of mercy and a chance to repent and get others to repent. These are sober days. We must wake up to the reality. We are fast nearing the tipping point. Other nations have experienced this, and we should learn well the lessons from history. Ask Sodom and Gomorrah. Ask Babylon. Ask Rome. Even ask Israel. This is not a path we want to continue down. May we return to God before we pass the tipping point. 

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