Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Apathetic Arrogance

 I could sit here and write for some time about the ills in America. They are many. I have no intention to do that at this time. I'd rather point the finger at the church. Not any one particular church, but all churches who stand for Bible truth and worship God and His Son Jesus. We are much to blame for the troubles in our society. 

The apathy in most churches is appalling. There is a spiritual chill in the hearts of God's people at worst. The majority fall into lukewarmness which makes Jesus want to vomit. Few are on fire for the LORD. Many mouth the words of worship songs, but seldom worship with all their heart and soul. Many listen to Bible saturated messages they do not intend to live. There are a fair share of preachers who deliver ice cold sermons born more from intellectual academia than birthed in the prayer closet of the Holy Spirit. 

Programs are offered without prayer or power. How many every openly share the gospel though many will "amen" the preacher or teacher when the point is made that we need to do so? All believers have eyes to see what is happening in society. So, let me ask what is your local congregation doing about it? Getting up another boycott or protest? When does your church gather to pray exclusively? The church I serve never does anymore, but that is about to change. 

The arrogance of the church to think we are alright. We convince ourselves we are doing a good job. Show me across the nation the impact all of our churches are having on society. Sex trafficking still happens. Pornography is still booming. Homosexuality is being shoved down our throats from television programming to parades. Abortion is still an issue and flaunted by liberals. Adultery is not extinct. Hypocrisy is still turning people away from Jesus. The people of God are still mostly tight lipped that Jesus saves. Preaches give happy talks to promote greater offerings from which they can pad their pockets. Altars are still barren week after week. Baptisms are rare these days though church budgets have grown. Church attendance is still on the decline. Fewer volunteers find ways to serve leaving the minority to carry on the work alone. Weekly the masses carry on business as usual in congregations across the land. There are woefully few calls for repentance. There are even fewer who respond. Some churches have become clown shows. They put on a show but fail to usher in the shekinah glory of God in revival. For all our crusades, conferences, and cruises our culture has not changed.  America is not altered. We are drifting further from Bible truth. We are certainly not inching closer to revival or spiritual awakening. I talked to an evangelist couple recently who told me that they have not ministered in one revival meeting nor have any scheduled for all of 2024. They have been doing evangelism for 30 years and this is the first time not one revival meeting was scheduled. 

Does the church recognize that we are headed full steam into a head on collision with Holy God? This is not a collision that will bode well for us. Even the faithful followers of Jesus will not be able avoid the devastating consequences. We stack meetings on top of meetings to plan, strategize, and organize. What we do not is gather to agonize in prayer. Society is degenerating into lawlessness. How does the church respond? Not prayerfully standing in the gap. We call for all sorts of meetings, but where are the people calling for prayer meetings? 

Th American church is apathetically arrogant. If we really knew how God felt about us, we would run to the prayer closets in repentance privately and call for sacred assemblies to publicly repent. I am betting you will not see a solemn assembly scheduled on your church calendar. We don't think we need to repent. If we only see ourselves through the eyes of God in His holiness. We would think differently. 

I know my message is not popular. I will not be invited to preach at the conferences or large church gathering. I am tucked away in a small country parish preaching Bible truth that few want to hear. I can do no other. I am calling the people of God to repent. To humble ourselves and admit our arrogance. To turn away from our apathy. I will continue to beat this drum while we still have time. One day it will be too late. May we heed the call to repent before we pass the point of no return. 

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