Monday, September 23, 2024

My Compass

 In this confusing world, it seems everyone has an opinion about how to live your life. Opinions vary about where the safest place is to invest your money. Opinions abound about how to raise your children. There are many other opinions about other aspects of how to live your life. It can get very confusing if you listen to all those voices. 

We need a compass. A compass always points to true north no matter what direction you are facing. A compass can help you find your way home no matter how confusing the maze of life gets. My compass is not a hand-held device with a needle pointing north, south, east, or west. My compass is God and the voice of His Spirit speaking to me. He shows me the right paths to take, even if it defies the counsel of well-meaning advisors. Using the compass of God and the roadmap of His word, He leads me. 

God is my compass. He is trustworthy. He does not always reveal the path right away. Sometimes I have to stop and wait until He decides it is best to move forward. His way is precise, and His timing is perfect. God never fails if we are disciplined to listen. He never misleads us. He never follows the crowd's counsel. He has a plan that is perfectly in sync with His purposes. It is our job to wait and to listen for as long as it takes to get where He wants us to be. 

I know people who map out ten- and twenty-year plans of where they want to be. Then they ask God to bless their plans. Living surrendered to God means you do not know what the next day might bring much less the next ten or twenty years. As long as God is my compass, He knows how to get me where I need to be, when I need to be there, and how long I will be there. He knows the way. I can confidently follow His leadership even if those around me advise me differently. Like the old song goes, "Though none go with me I still will follow." 

God has led me down a less travelled path numerous times people around me did not understand. Sometimes not even my own family. As long as God ordained my steps, I followed by faith down some difficult roads to traverse. My faith and resolve have been tested. There were days when I wanted to follow my own path. I am thankful God intervened to keep me from going too far astray. 

He knows right where I am today. He knows where He will lead me tomorrow, the next day, and the next until He ultimately leads me home. I do not know how He will lead me home. It might be through the rapture as He snatches me away. It might be through the portal of death. Either way, He will navigate my steps all the way home. Between now and then, I do not know all the twists and turns He will direct me to take. It really does not matter just as long as in the end; He navigates me home. 

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