Monday, September 30, 2024

Another One Bites the Dust

 It happens too frequently. It also breaks my heart. Many pile on with their criticisms. I think of the harm done. I saw it this morning. Another high-profile pastor I had never heard of was forced to resign the church he served because of an inappropriate relationship with a woman. In recent months, this news has been all too common. Maybe it has always been this rampant. Maybe we are just more aware of it now because of the prevalence of social media. 

I am not going to be another person to cast stones. You will find no rock chunking on my part. I am too grieved. It seems Satan is picking these pastors off one by one. I think of the pastor's family devastated and humiliated. I think of a church family in grief and disillusionment. I think of how sin makes the hearts of lost people even harder to the gospel message. 

I urge you to redouble your efforts to pray for your pastor. They are in the crosshairs of the Evil One. Night and day fiery arrows are shot by the hundreds if not thousands. Many pastors are isolated with few close friends to talk to when temptations arise. Many are blindsided being burned out from overwork and high stress levels. None of these are excuses, but they are symptoms of red warning flags. 

We pastors cannot watch over our souls and conduct too closely. We cannot solicit enough prayer cover. We are foolish to not be accountable by trusted friends and associates and to be transparent with our spouses. We must take heed lest we be the next one to fall and to shame the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

When I traveled as a full-time evangelist, I hired a young man I discipled at the time to go on preaching trips with me. I paid him to do two things. First, to pray for God's movement in revivals and camps. Second, I paid him to hold me accountable. So that I would not be tempted to stray and fall into sin. He did both jobs well. I do not want to be next one to sin and bite the dust. 

God demands holiness in our conduct just like He is holy. [I Pet 1:15-16] No pastor is perfect. Pastors are sinners too. That does not give us a license to give into fleshly desires and discredit everything we stood for decades on end. Those of you I serve as pastor and those of you who are my friends, go ahead. Ask me the difficult questions. Ask me if I am faithful to Brenda. Ask me if I am entertaining temptation? Ask me if I am engaged in secret behavior that will disqualify me from serving as a pastor. Please pray for my protection. I do not want be the next one that bites the dust. 

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