Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Out of the Boat

 I read the story in Matthew 14 of Peter seeing Jesus walk on water and asking permission to do the same. It was a get out of the boat moment requiring faith. I remind you they were in the middle of a storm. The safest place to be in that moment was inside the boat. So, it appeared. 

Something snapped in Peter's mind. Instead of focusing on self-preservation, he turned his attention to the miracle of Jesus walking on the water and wanted to get in on the fun. There were 11 other guys in that boat. Not one of them joined Peter in asking Jesus for permission to come out of the boat to also walk on water. This speaks something to me. Most people play it safe. They lose the adventure of walking after and serving Jesus. Peter saw the possibility and imagined himself doing what no one else in history has ever done but Jesus. 

Do you play it safe? Do you even dream of impossibilities made possible through Jesus? I still do. I still want to get out of the boat at 58 just like I did at 28 and 38. I know that is a bold statement. I also know it can lead to some frightening steps of faith. It is one thing to see Jesus walking on water and imagining doing the same thing. It is another to stand up in the boat and hoist a leg over the side followed by the other and let go of the boat. 

Dragging both feet in the water and clinging to the boat rails does not take faith. Faith is letting go of the boat. It is daring to believe that with Jesus truly nothing is impossible. Why do the people of God not live that way. Peter saw potential when everyone else only saw danger. Peter saw opportunity when the others only saw risk. The miracles are on the other side of faith steps. 

How many really live by faith? The truth is most of us live by sight. We live by reason. We live by low-risk ventures. We want sure things. We embrace words like security and safety couched in our comfort zones. Isn't living that way predictably boring. Following Jesus is unpredictable and exciting. I for one do not want to settle for predictable and boring. I want to believe God for more. Much more. I may have to stretch way out of my comfort zone in faith to experience more. 

I realize Peter gets a bad rap because he doubted and started sinking. Jesus asked why he had such little faith. HE STILL WALKED ON WATER! Who else can say that besides Jesus? I read verses like Eph 3:20 and my faith imagination is ignited. I want to believe for more even if it means getting out of the boat. I am not advocating formulating my own plan and jumping blindly in a leap of faith. Peter asked Jesus for permission before He got out of the boat. 

Jesus gave a one-word invitation. "Come." No detailed instructions. No warnings. No taking a vote with the other 11 to see if this was a good idea. All good ideas are not God ideas. On the other hand, all good ideas do not appear to be God ideas. God's invitations usually require steps of faith. 

I write this in about as safe an environment as could be found. I am in no danger. I am alone. Nobody threatens to harm me. I can see clear blue skies and leaves on trees blowing in the breezes. I am safely secured in the boat. What if Jesus invited me to come out of the boat? Would I do it? Or am I just another preacher writing out of theory instead of from first-hand knowledge and experience? 

Somewhere in the deep recesses of my soul, I hear the soft whisper of the Spirit say, "Do not be afraid to get out of the boat. When I say come, throw caution to the wind and obey." Is that really the Holy Spirit or thoughts generated in my own head? I have to be willing to get out of the boat or all my faith preaching and writing are a farce. 

Currently I have no such invitation. I am looking for Him. I am listening for His still small voice among all the other voices around me. Just one simple word from Him to come and I must get out of the boat with my eyes firmly fixed on Him and nothing else. Until He bids me come, I will watch and wait. 

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