Friday, September 27, 2024

Little Faith

 In Matthew 17:20, Jesus responds to the disciples question about why they could not help the father who brought a demon possessed boy to them. He replied it was because of the littleness of their faith. You could also translate that word as smallness. He goes on to exhort them that even a tiny mustard seed of faith can move mountains and that nothing would be impossible. 

I contemplated that verse this morning. I came to the conclusion that I must be like the disciples and have little faith. I have no great exploits of faith to glorify God. It just stands to reason, if I had more faith, I would see God do more. Mountain moving more. The sting of His gentle rebuke still smarts. I don't want to be a man of little faith. 

I pleaded with God to build my faith. To increase it to believe Him to do more. I even asked what He wanted me to believe Him to do. It was those last words in that verse that really got to me. Nothing will be impossible to you. That means me and you. Have you held a tiny mustard seed in your hand? Surely we can all trust God that much. The evidence points to the contrary by the lack of results in our praying. 

Nothing will impossible. That means nothing will be unable for us without strength. Not our strength, but God's strength flowing through and activated in our circumstances. Just imagine what God could do if we had mustard seed faith. I want to live out my remaining days believing God for more than in all my previous years combined. That is not impossible, but it is very possible with God's power perfected in my weakness. He can do more in one day than I have accomplished in decades. He can do more on one Sunday than has been done in centuries in our own resources. 

Do we have a longing for Him to do more? I certainly do. I abhor the thought of someone admonishing me and the Lord rebuking me for the littleness of my faith. I want large faith. Great faith. Increased faith. Persevering faith. Let God build great faith in me to match the assignment He gives me. I want to take Him literally at His word. Nothing will be impossible. Okay. 

Many souls will be saved on a regular basis. His church will be revived and impact communities and the country. Awakening will sweep across the world drawing millions to salvation. God will use these writings to impact thousands upon thousands of people around the world. God will save marriages and heal families. God will heal diseases. God will provide for His kingdom causes in abundance. God will break the hearts of people in Washington D.C. and lead them to repentance of their greedy wicked ways. God will awaken His church to be the powerful force we were designed to be. 

I do not want to waste the remainder of my days praying mealy mouth, half hearted, weak, faithless prayers that impress listeners, but do not move God at all. I want us all to start praying bold, confident, believing, faith ignited prayers that move God to action. All of it for the glory of His name. 

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