Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Burn the Ships

 All is calm as I navigate these waters of life, 

I'm engulfed in peace not surrounded by strife,

I sail in a seaworthy vessel strong and secure, 

No dark storm clouds on the horizon to obscure,

My course is charted cutting through waters blue, 

I stand stoutly at the helm with a most pleasant view,

Deep within I hear a voice say, "Come and follow," 

This voice resonates making others sound hollow,  

The voice is My Captain who rules my heart's throne, 

He alters the course to ways I've never before known, 

Leading me through tumultuous tides plunged so deep, 

Over mountainous swells which rise on high so steep, 

For a moment I am gripped with paralyzing fright, 

As the sun fades and sinks low overcome by night, 

I have never travelled this uncharted journey before,

I cannot rest or rely on past experiences anymore, 

I must trust my Captain who alone has plotted the way, 

Not asking my input nor care for what I have to say, 

This is a pilgrimage of faith more than one of sight,

His word my lamp and guide offering constant light, 

Confusion settles over like the heavy rolling fog, 

Questioning whether to continue Captain only nods, 

I get lost deep in my thoughts in the night watches, 

Snapped to attention by dolphins playing hopscotches,

A distant shore now on the horizon sighted land ho, 

The Captain orders me to set the wheel firm and go, 

A Macedonian land with masses motioning for aid, 

It is in this harbor the anchor is released and laid, 

Captain's orders are bold as a lion and clarion clear, 

We are to stay to do Admiral Jesus' work right here, 

One last order to fire the ships and let them burn, 

From our mission He won't allow retreat or return. 

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