Wednesday, June 21, 2023

There Are Only Two Genders

 What is happening to our society? There was a time when doctors really wanted to help people. Not push a political agenda like "gender affirming care" so they have free license to mutilate the bodies of confused and impressionable youngsters. THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS. No matter how many body parts are removed or added there are still only two genders. I don't care about preferred pronouns such as they, theirs, and them. God created he and she. There are boys and girls. There are men and there are women. That is the way God designed it. 

Genesis 1:26-27 (NASB)
26  Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
27  God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

God is not the author of confusion. The confused sexual identity of people is a demonic delusion from the father of lies Satan. Not God. At conception DNA is set in place. The gender of the baby is determined by God in the womb. No matter what surgical procedures are done, it does not change the DNA. That is a fact no doctor can deny. Yet some butchers with physicians' degree are all too willing to put little children under the knife to pad their pockets to satisfy a political agenda.  

Has anyone stopped to consider that if globalist want to depopulate the earth, one way to do it is to mutilate people so that they cannot reproduce. This ideology is being promoted in schools. When I think back to my elementary and high school teachers many of them had a profound impact on my life. They saw potential in me and encouraged me to fulfill that potential. They did not come with a political agenda. Not so with some teachers today. Some want to "queer" the classroom disguised as promoting inclusivity. They push homosexual and transgendered books in the classroom. One teacher recently had students build dolls that are used in pagan idolatry worship practices. Another teacher made a porn video after hours in the very classroom she taught in. Others have gone on social media and boldly announced their intentions to push children into transgenderism. This is blatant brain washing and manipulation of innocent young minds. Those teachers still keep their jobs and new ones just like them get hired. School administrators and school boards are all to happy to coalesce with the LGBT agenda. 

How has the church responded? The majority have remained silent. Not a word. Not a sermon. Not a strong stand. Others have gone to the opposite extreme. Filled with hate they rage against the sinners. Jesus called out sin but loved the sinner. Some churches cave to political peer pressure. I read an article where some transgender people were being considered for ordination by one denomination. WHAT? One church held a PRIDE PROM inviting homosexuals to celebrate their debauchery in the house of God. What an abomination to holy God. It is sin to celebrate what God forbids. I don't care how many companies embrace it, how many celebrities applaud it, what law makers legislate it, or what courts rule for it. THERE ARE STILL ONLY TWO GENDERS. GOD DESIGNED GENDERS AND HE CREATED THEM MALE AND FEMALE. 

I cannot understand the logic behind parents taking their young children to homosexual parades filled with debauchery. Or how they could ever think taking their children to transgender/drag queen story hour at public libraries is a good idea. Or how allowing their precious babies to crawl over lustful men who lie on the floor and are grooming those children to prey on later. Parents would not toss their children into a den of vipers. How is allowing their children to be groomed any less dangerous. 

From the backwoods to Hollywood. From your house to the Whitehouse. From the strip malls to the Las Vegas strip. From the pine thickets to Philadelphia and all points in between. There are only two genders. No matter how many commercials are made, books written, surgical procedures performed, motion pictures filmed, GOD CREATED THEM MALE AND FEMALE. 

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