Saturday, June 17, 2023

Dream On

 I have been a dreamer all my life. I am not referring to night-time dreams. I have certainly had my share of them. I am talking about dreams of a preferred future. A goal to strive for. A plan to achieve. I had dreams and aspirations as a child. I carried those with me in my teen years and into young adulthood. Now on the backside of middle age and staring senior adulthood square in the eye I am still dreaming. 

Maybe I should say I am dreaming God's dreams. Things I believe He inspires in my mind. They are not good ideas. They are God ideas. Things God desires to do. Some of them look impossible. God specializes in the impossible. He is an expert at using the most unlikely characters to achieve His purposes. He is not looking for abled people but rather for available people. 

God looks for men and women who dare to dream His dreams and then go a step further. To believe God to make them come to pass and to act on them. Acting on dreams requires faith. Sometimes huge, frightening and risky steps of faith. That is often where the immeasurable, impressionable, and immutable power of God is displayed. 

Every good idea is not a God idea. God ideas often look impossible. The odds make the achievement of the dream seem improbable. There are definitely things finite humans cannot do. That is why we must rely on God to achieve the desires of His heart. If He wills a dream to come to pass, He is more than capable to work to make it come true. He works in supernatural and extraordinary ways. Ways that defy logical explanation. Ways that are a wonder to behold. Ways that glorify Him because everybody will know only God could do those things. 

So, we should prayerfully sit with God and let Him spill His dreams into us. No matter our age. God used Caleb in his 80's in the book of Joshua. God still worked through Charles Stanley in his 80's. I know a man who spends part of his Sunday afternoons at a substance abuse detox center ministering those caught up in addiction, and he is in his mid 70's. I know some senior adults who spend their Monday nights at a local skate park ministering to skaters. God also uses young people. I watched a 20-year-old minister the word of God this summer to people much older than Him very powerfully. That young man feels called to the ministry and told me recently teaching the Bible is what he was meant to do. All of these people are dreaming God's dreams. 

God recently dropped a huge dream in my heart. Unexpectedly. That dream has consumed my thoughts and prayers for the past few days. An audaciously large dream that will require God to bring it to pass. A dream that will require faith and complete reliance on God. A dream that will bring Him glory. A dream that will impact many lives. God's dream is pushing me out of my comfort zone. More like shoving. Pushing me to unfamiliar territory. Not geographically but spiritually. I am all in. Already taking the initial faith steps to set this dream in emotion. 

I say dream on people. Sit before God and dare to dream His dreams. Your life is sure to take some exciting turns if you do. The glory of God is sure to be promoted if you do. Dream on. 

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