Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Providential God Moment

 My schedule was pretty jammed yesterday. I had an early appointment which lasted up until nearly lunch. I wolfed down a quick bite before two afternoon appointments back-to-back. The first of those appointments was to meet with a sales rep to sign some contracts for painting we are having done at the church. Three weeks ago, this guy dropped in for a cold turkey sales call. We just happened to be taking bids on the project, so I showed him what we needed. We got a bid and yesterday we finalized the contracts. 

It dawned on me as we sat in my office I had never witnessed to the guy. So, I did so. Turns out the guy is a believer. As we talked further, he told me he used to be a youth minister as well as working in public education. What happened next floored me. He spoke about another career path he took that is something God has been pushing me into for weeks. I could not believe he spoke of the very thing God is pushing me to do. I sat stunned. I told the man our meeting was providential. 

We were just talking about God's new calling on my life when my second appointment arrived waiting outside my office. I did not get to finish our conversation, but I told the man we needed to talk more. I plan to schedule another meeting with him as soon as I am able. 

For any Spring Creek readers please rest assured that God is not calling me to leave Spring Creek. What I am at liberty to say at this time is that God has led me away from my coaching role at Trinity Christian Academy to accept a new role of teaching the Bible and coaching P.E. classes and weightlifting classed at Pinnacle Christian School which will begin meeting at Spring Creek starting this fall. 

That meeting to sign contracts was more evidence that God is leading in this move. God is not just leading me but calling me to some faith steps that I am not at liberty to share just yet. I would not say God is leading me to these faith steps. I would say He is shoving me into those steps. 

I gave God my yes decades ago. To go anywhere to do anything at any time. You cannot pray a prayer like that and not be called on it. Suffice it to say, God is pushing me to one of the greatest faith steps of my entire life. I am excited, energized, apprehensive, and maybe a little scared. He still has my yes. The adventure of following Him has led down some unexpected paths in the past. Once again, His will is leading down unfamiliar territory. Territory He calls me to possess. Territory that requires courage and faith. I will be able to elaborate in the days ahead. 

I'm humbled at this latest God encounter. It is not as dramatic as Moses' burning bush experience. Afterall, who expects to have a God moment signing contracts for painting. You never know when and where God will show up in the most ordinary of circumstances. For Abram it was a devotional encounter that changed the trajectory of his life. [Gen 12:1-3] For Moses it was an encounter at the burning bush while watching over sheep. [Ex 3:1-12] For David it was an ordination after being called in from watching his father's sheep. [I Sam 16:1-13] For the disciples it was a providential God moment when Jesus called them to follow Him after fishing. [Mark 1:16-18] For Paul it was on the Damascus Road going to persecute Christians. [Acts 9:1-5] For John it was while being exiled on the island of Patmos. [Revelation 1-22]

Today could be your day for a providential God moment. I am not satisfied with my encounter yesterday. I am already seeking for the next one. Dear reader, do not grow weary in seeking. You just never know when God is going to show up and alter the course of your mundane routine with encounters with Him. Those encounters can lead to glorious adventures that will thrill your soul. Keep watching. You just never know when God is going to show up in a providential God moment. 

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