Wednesday, June 21, 2023

I Will Follow

 Following Jesus has been the thrill of my life. He has led down some unexpected paths. As a high school senior praying about where to go to college I never planned to go to Howard Payne University. I had never even heard of it. I just wanted to go somewhere and play football. A guy from my church who attended Howard Payne told me about it. My youth minister contacted the football coach at HPU and scheduled a visit for me to tour the campus. That coach offered me a football scholarship. I accepted. Two years later I met Brenda with whom I have been married to for 32 years. 

A random phone call from a former church member in a previous church led me down the path of coaching high school football in a private Christian school. I never saw that coming. I spent a great deal of time coaching my sons in youth sports. I even put on my own summer workout programs for my sons and a few of their friends. I never dreamed I would coach professionally. That is exactly what I've done for the past two years in addition to serving as pastor at Spring Creek. It all started with a phone call received in a hospital parking lot in Denton, TX. 

I longed to come back to Spring Creek as pastor after decades of being gone from serving as youth minister. It was a dream that seemed dead and buried. Then I got an unexpected phone call from a familiar voice from the past who was the chairman of the pastor search committee at Spring Creek. Out of 100 candidates Brenda and have been humbled that God chose us to live in this community and to serve these people again. It has been four years and as they say time flies when you are having fun.

Some months ago, I was in a meeting when a fellow minister from another church told me about a Chrisitan school looking for a church facility to meet in for their hybrid model school. I made contact with the head of the school which led to several conversations and meetings. Just a week ago I met with the leadership of Pinnacle Christian School to sign a building lease agreement. What I never saw coming was God leading me to be more than an observer of this school. He drew me to become a participant. To join the staff teaching the Bible to high school students and playing with kids as a P.E. coach. 

My plate was pretty full before taking on these added responsibilities. In another surprise move, God led me away from my coaching role at Trinity Christian Academy. I've loved my time there. Prayed and wept tears in intercession for them. Witnessed some major God moves on that campus in prayer meetings, retreats, and chapel services. It became apparent that to follow God into my new role I had to say goodbye to student athletes I have poured my life into for the past two years. The excitement of following God into a new adventure is countered by the bitterness of leaving young men I have poured Jesus into for two years. 

When I committed to following Jesus, I meant it. From the depths of my soul, I meant it when I prayed in a little hotel room back in 2000 at the Riverbend Conference Center in Glenrose, TX committing the remainder of my life to following Jesus. That one prayer on that memorable day still holds me forever surrendered to following God's will. Verses like [Mark 1:17], [Matt 16:24], [Rom 12:1], [ Gen 12:1], [Is 6:8], [Heb 11:8], [Luke 9:23], [Matt 9:36-38] have fueled that desire to follow Jesus.  

Many Christians spend much of their time figuring out what is the least they have to do to follow Jesus. Others throw caution to the wind and abandon themselves to the will of God. Which one are you? Does the desire to fully follow Jesus permeate your prayers, your passion, and your purpose? Do you eagerly anticipate God's revelation of how, where, and what He calls you to do in service for Him? Do you really want to follow? 

Following Jesus does not always lead down pleasant paths. He does not always lead down easy trails to traverse. He does not always lead down risk free roads. Will you follow anyway? Even if Jesus calls down roads that lead to suffering and sacrifice will you still follow? Even when the task looks impossible will you still put shoulder to the harness of hardship and follow? Will you follow when doing so stretches you way beyond your comfort zone? Will you follow when no others go with you? Is following Jesus really necessary? Is it required? Read [Matthew 16:24] for an answer. Try on [Rom 12:1] as you contemplate your commitment. What will you do with [Is 6:8]? We are called to follow. May we do so all the way to the finish line. [Heb 12:1] 

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