Friday, June 23, 2023


 After a lengthy separation of months, Tanner and Tucker came home for a few days yesterday. They had quite an adventurous trip. 

Their first challenge happened in the small town of Matadore, TX. You may have heard of this small west Texas town. A tornado ripped through there this past week killing several people and causing widespread destruction. The roads were closed down and the guys had to backtrack 30 minutes to get around. This put them on a much later arrival than they anticipated. 

They were less than an hour from home with the second trial happened. A blow out. On the same tire we just replaced 14 months ago in Tucker's car. He had another blow out coming on one night. He once again was stuck on the side of the road. He loaned his jack to a friend and never got it back. They were stranded on highway 199 between Jacksboro and Springtown. 

I called a deacon for help. We drove 45 minutes to get them fixed up. That is when obstacles three and four happened. When the guys pulled off the road to get out of the way of traffic they did not park on level ground, the road and ground sloped to the right. We could barely get the jack under the car. Next, we could not get the car jacked high enough to get the spare on it. A couple of more cranks on the jack and then it happened. The car rolled off the jack. We started over and the car rolled off the jack a second time. A hole had to be dug  in the ground before success in order to finally get the spare tire secured. 

What a reunion. I greeted both of them with a hug. It had been a long time. We celebrated at dinner with our three sons and an adopted son in our hearts. Taylor and Abby were enjoying new wed life. We laughed. We feasted. We recalled favorite memories. The reunion was well worth all the trials. 

Isn't that the same way it will be when we get to heaven. All the setbacks, sorrows, sufferings, sacrifices, and sin will be worth it when we endure to the finish line and see Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. [Heb 12:1] It will have been worth it to be reunited with Jesus and our loved ones. Press on. Do not lose heart. Persevere. [Gal 6:9] Our eternal reward will be worth it. It will be a glorious reunion. 

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