Thursday, December 16, 2021

Special Time

 God has blessed Brenda and I with four sons. It was important for me to carve out time for each of them where they had my undivided attention when they were young. I began having special time with them. Special time included one on one time when I would take them out to eat at their favorite restaurant. When they were young, that meant McDonalds, Burger King, or maybe some kind of chicken. 

I tried to never leave the house on some errand that I did not take at least one of them with me. It might be a quick run to the grocery store, hardware store, or to the post office. I wanted that quality time with each of them. I also coached their little league teams so enjoy more time with them. 

They are all grown up now. Taylor is teaching and coaching. Tanner is about one semester away from graduating from college. Tanner wants to get his masters degree so he can coach at the college level. Tucker is about a year from college graduation. He plans on going to the police academy afterwards. Turner is just starting his college education. I do not get much time with them anymore. 

Special time still happens though. Before Turner got home from school, Tucker and I enjoyed several one on one meals together. Taylor and I still go grab breakfast from time to time. Only now, he invites me and pays. Turner and I just returned from some special time at Subway. The last time Tanner was in town over Thanksgiving, we took him to Waffle House before he left to go back. 

These are treasured times. Sometimes the conversations run deep. On other occasions, we spend that time catching up. The most important thing is that we are enjoying each other. That means more and more to me as a dad since they have grown up. Many times I think about them playing around the yard as little lads. Just spending time with them is a blessing. 

I think of God the Father and how He yearns to spend special time with His children. Time reserved for just the two of them. Private conversations, customized counsel, and close communion ensue. I believe God yearns for that special time with His children more than they could ever possibly yearn for that time with Him. Not that He needs it. He just loves us and loves to share His time with us. 

I know the joy I feel when I share special times with my sons. It is humbling to think that God could ever feel joy over time spent with one of us. It is sad when we get too busy for Him. Just like parents of grown up kids who are too busy to stop by for a visit. Always in a rush to leave to make their next appointment. Parents long for prolonged visit. 

When is the last time we lingered with the Father for awhile? Had a prolonged visit? When did last sit with Him in silent communion? We actually took the time to enjoy Him? That is what He longs for. The God of this universe carves out special time in His infinitely busy schedule for us. What a shame if we busily brush Him off. Memories, spiritual mile markers, and transformational encounters happen when we spend special time with the Father. May we not pass these opportunities by. They will matter in eternity. 

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