Thursday, December 23, 2021

Awake America

 My burden for America grows heavier each day. We are headed for a collision with Almighty God we cannot survive. The warning signs are everywhere. It is like God is sounding a gigantic alarm clock shouting, "Awake America." 

Unfortunately, it appears the masses continue their routines mindlessly. Like sheep heading for the slaughter we give into propaganda, hysteria, and mind control with very little thought. How quickly our world has changed with the release of bioweapon virus from China intended to cripple the world and America more specifically. The very people who keep pushing masks and mandated vaccines are profiting off of these vaccines. That seems like a conflict of interest to me. It seems like a conflict of interest that the medical institutions that are supposed to treat patients are being rewarded financially for every confirmed case. That seems like an incentive to pad the stats to benefit financially. 

Awake America. Your God given freedoms are being snatched right out underneath your noses. Who would have believed that judges and governors could sign executive orders shutting down businesses and churches with little resistance. Your freedom to travel by air now requires proof you have been vaccinated. Employers are requiring the same. In certain cities restaurants and movies theaters are requiring the same. Many do not give a second thought to having codes on their cell phone as their proof. Some have downloaded fake codes to fool authorities. What will be the next step. Codes imbedded in the skin. People will not be able to fake that. It is already happening. This is already being experimented with in Sweden. Mark my words. It will be in the United States in the not too distant future. 

Wake up people. Read the book of Revelations and see how all this is playing out just as prophesied. There is a predetermined course set and nothing will alter it. Our only hope is to delay it with repentance and a return to God. 

Hear this clearly. No politician can save us. Let me be even more clear. Donald J. Trump cannot rescue America. Only Jesus can save America from the impending doom ahead. The rich and famous are powerless to stop the sinister plot of Satan for a one world government, currency and religion. Only Jesus can delay that predetermined plan. Only Jesus can transform wicked people into worshipers. Only He can provide protection from the troublesome days that lie ahead. We are on the brink of days like we have never seen. 

Think back on the past couple of years at how fast grocery store shelves emptied. How toilet paper was hard to find. Think back how Texas was brought to a grinding halt through a massive freeze. Those were challenging days but cannot compare to the sorrow of the tribulation period that is on the horizon. Where over the course of seven long years thing will progressively get worse and worse with no hope of relief for those left to endure it. There will  be much loss of life. Resolved believers will be executed on the spot if they do not comply with the command to worship Satan. The horror of what lies ahead should cause every believer to cry out to God for mercy and spare us with a little more time to tell as many as possible how to be saved. Time is running out. At some point we will pass the tipping point. That will the point of no return. Fear that day. Dread that day. At least their is the comfort of the rapture of the saved. 

What will we do when our cell phones are cut off, our access to the internet shuts down, gasoline becomes too expensive or unavailable? How will America respond when authorities comes home to home one day down the road to confiscate all firearms?  How will we survive when groceries cannot be bought without proof of vaccination? Does it concern anyone that Bill Gates owns the most farmland in the United States?  What are His intentions with all that land? Will he monopolize food supplies? Is anyone troubled that more and more influence from China infiltrates our government and companies? Is anyone concerned about future election fraud and that the voice of the people will not matter anymore? Where is the outrage over censorship of information in the media and social media? 

America awake. There is no hope outside of God. No alliance can deliver us. No peace treaty will ensure our safety. No feckless politicians can promise all our troubles away. We have one recourse for survival. Repentance and return to Almighty God. We brazenly imprint on our currency, "IN GOD WE TRUST," but He sees the truth. We have rejected Him, denied Him, defied Him, mocked Him, resisted Him, ignored Him, and refused Him. We will reap what we have sown. I beg of America, repent while there is still time. Turn from our wicked ways. Humble ourselves before Him. Plead for His mercy. Stand in the gap for His protection. To refuse is to seal our fate. Awake America. 

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