Sunday, December 12, 2021

Heavy Laden

Heavy laden people came to me today on several occasions to unload their cares. One working through the grief of losing his wife, was in a head on collision with a drunk driver this past week just a week after his wife's funeral. He is okay but it only compounds to the burdens he is bearing. Another came to share her deep sorrow over a situation she faced recently. Two others came loaded with care about where they are going to live due to their rent increasing significantly. Another wept through a good portion of the service today. Not just a trickle of tears. Full on sobbing. Another talked to me at the backdoor about a grievous situation she is facing. I talked with another still mourning coming up the one year anniversary death of a loved one. 

People are hurting. Life is hard. Life can be very cruel. It pains me to see people I love so weighed down with things beyond their control. During this festive time of year, I am continually reminded some people are trying to stay afloat and survive in a swirling storm. Life is a struggle under the heavy load of pain, sorrow, grief, financial woes, and battles with despair. 

Is there any word from the Lord for these people? I am asking God that even as I write this. There is no assurance of a pain free heavy laden free life. There are no guaranteed stress free and sorrow less lives. There is hope. One I have turned to time and time again. There is no other scripture I have prayed and quoted more often in hospital rooms, in counseling sessions, personal struggles, and in tragedies than [Psalm 46:1]. 

Go is. Not God was. Not God will be. He is both of those things for sure. He was there in the past, working in the events of men and women, showing Himself faithful. He will be there in the end to welcome His own into eternity. He will faithfully be there during the tough stretches for His heavy ladened followers. He is. Right now. Today. At this very moment. Presently. 

God is our refuge. That means He is our shelter and hiding place. When life gets overwhelming, He is the place to run for a little relief, some extra measure of rest, and to regroup. His refuge is accessible all hours of the night and day.

I recently talked to a lady who told she could not sleep after going through a traumatic event. She wakes up every night about the same time. She finds God is her refuge in those times. A safe place. A shelter from all the pain and stress in her life. He works the night shifts. That same refuge is available for all of the people of God. 

God is our refuge and strength. There are times when the burdens are more than we can handle. Heavier than we can lift. Weightier than our minds can find solutions. Quitting seems easier than enduring. God is a strength. He can empower us to trudge through another painful day. He can enable us to praise when engulfed in pain. He can sustain our hope and trust in the darkest of circumstances. His might is shared with us when we are weak. His power helps us to overcome. To press through the pain to better days.

God is our refuge and strength; a very present help in times of trouble. I want to say to all who are heavy laden that God is there with you. He offers His assistance. I do not know why He doesn't just fix your troubles. Why He does not always heal on the earth. Why death snatches people we love away. Why one trial after another pounds the people of God. I believe what His word states. He is a help in times of trouble. When life gets the hardest, He does not tuck tail and run. He is with those who need Him most. He is comforter, counselor, hope, help, savior, supporter, mountain mover, miracle worker, peace, and present help. 

I have turned to [Psalm 46:1] in the harshest, toughest, darkest, most bitter, most deeply painful, most highly troubled, intensely stressful, and sorrowful times of my life. I have found the necessary relief, power, and assistance to endure to better times. God has comforted me multiple times with these truthful words. May He do it again for you today. 

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