Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Spring Creek Revival Day Four

Life has taken on a familiar routine. God usually wakes me early to pray. I got back to bed for a short nap. When I get up for the second time I pray more for the message. When the text is revealed then the word studies and research follow. This all lasts through lunch. 

After lunch I watch a video of a sermon or something inspirational. Next, I workout in the garage. Then it is time to shower and get dressed. I often sit in silence in the living room waiting on Brenda to get home from work meditating on the message. We rush out the door and normally get to Weatherford by 6:00 p.m. I scurry off to the prayer room for some time alone before others join me there around 6:30 p.m. to bathe the service in prayer. 

During worship tonight the greatness of God filled my heart and mind. At times, I could not sing. I kept thinking about how truly great God is and how insignificant and ordinary I am. It was while contemplating these things I felt a cold chill go down my spine. It seemed that the Holy Spirit filled the room. I could only question who are we to come before holy God? Who are we to draw near to Him or sing His praises? 

The message came from the whole 15th chapter of I Samuel. A message about obedience and submitting to authority. God's authority. Before I preached, I stood humbled by the greatness of God in the pulpit. Declaring that greatness in comparison to our lowliness in prayer. 

The message by far was the hardest of any thus far. A call to submit to God and obey Him. A clarion call to repentance. I felt God speaking to the people. The message lasted about 45 minutes. When I extended the invitation, the atmosphere felt heavy. It seemed like people were stunned wrestling with how to respond to God. People were somber. I got out of the way to see what God would do. 

A father came down to pray and soon his son came to pray with him. Another young man came forward. Nobody else. What happened behind me I cannot tell you. I did not see it. After a bit, I got up and offered a closing prayer but asked Sherman to lead us in worship a little longer. People had the freedom to leave if they wanted and I guess they wanted. When I finally left my seat to go to the back, very few people remained. 

I went to back pew in the middle section and leaned on it with my hands. I felt tired. Spiritually and physically. I really did not feel like talking. My eyes fixated on the screen and the two words written on it, "More Lord." I prayed that under my breath over and over again. The yearning tears at me inside. 

I felt God's presence, but did not see any visible evidence tonight of revival in other than the three who went to the altar. I am not suggesting people did not encounter God in their seats. I am honestly reporting I do not know what God did. It seemed like some were convicted. Whether they repented or not only God knows. I also do not how God moved for those watching online. 

I did see one of our deacons ministering to a young man who showed up late when he got off work. That young man is hungry for God. They remained on the front pew for some time. I am blessed to serve with GREAT deacons. It is not just a title for these men. They are genuine servants.

I was surprised to hear that over 400 people viewed the service last night online. 200 of them viewed it live. Tonight we had someone from New York watch the service. He grew up in Spring Creek and is now planting a church in Coney Island. 

The thought did dawn on me, standing at the back of the room, that God can work and spread His movement just as powerfully and further than our in person services. I know I just want more of God. I want this nation to experience His greatness. I want the world to know the greatness of my King Jesus. If God wants to use social media to do His work, so be it. More Lord. 

It feels like we are making very little headway. We have at least three more services to go. I felt for a long time they would go longer than this coming Saturday. God will determine that. 

My day ends with an hour drive back home. It goes by quickly as Brenda and I talk about what God did.  Iwolfed down a couple of hot dogs from QT for dinner. Everyone else in my family had ChicFilA. Then, I come to this little office to jot down my thoughts. Tomorrow I will do it all over again. I cannot report that genuine revival has come yet. I can report that a remnant is hungry. We keep praying like a battering ram for breakthrough. 

The impact of this revival just might be felt more online than in person. Either way, I still want more Lord. I still hunger for His greatness to be displayed. Lord willing, I will get up and do it all over again tomorrow trusting tomorrow might be the night when God sends revival fire. 

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