Monday, June 22, 2020

Spring Creek Revival Day 1 Part 2

For the first time in months Spring Creek gathered for a Sunday evening worship service. Over the years as a pastor and revivalist, Sunday nights have been my favorite services. Admittedly, the size of the crowd was down. Much like what would we have on a normal Sunday evening. That did not dampen our enthusiasm. I prayed that God would move so powerfully and deeply that the impact of His move would be like that of a crowd much larger.

God's anointing is on Sherman and Tammy Aten. God has used them powerfully to usher us into His holy presence. His presence fills the room. It not something you so much see as it is something you feel deep in the soul. You just know God is there. Holy Spirit is brooding over us getting ready to breakthrough.

God led me to preach from Isaiah 43:18-19. In essence, the message was about God doing a new work. The word new in that passage means fresh or current. The challenge was to believe God to move in our lives and fellowship in a fresh and current way. To move past stale lifeless religion. The message was hard. A message specifically laid on my heart at the prayer cabin.

Thus far, God is targeting His people first. He is calling us to repentance, to freedom from bondage, and to a fresh updated relationship with Him. When I gave the invitation, not one single person came forward to the altar in response. Not one. The moment was somber. A holy hush hung over the sanctuary. The only sound to be heard was the prayerful songs Sherman sang.

Such moments are hard to recapture. If you had been there, you might have been tempted to get discouraged, because of the small crowd and the lack of response during the invitation. I assure you that is not my heart. God has put deep things inside me about these revival meetings. Some things I am not at liberty to share at this time. I believe greater things are to come. I am confident Yahweh has come. His breakthrough is just moments away.

Like I have dreamed, I see the work of God building like a swell in the ocean. It may look like very little is happening on the surface, but look deeper. Like an ocean swell building momentum. I have no doubt God is building momentum. His swell will eventually become a wave. That wave will catch us and lead us closer to Him.

One of the highlights of last night was the surprise visit of three young ladies. Two of them are daughters of my good friend, and former pastor at Spring Creek, Jase Waller. The other the daughter of the former chairman of deacons and chairman of the search committee that brought me to FBC Seminole, Mark Beaty. I developed a special bond with those ladies when I got to serve as their pastor when they were teenagers. They are grown now. All three school teachers.

One of my prayers has been and will continue to be that God will deeply touch those who come to visit and send the flames of revival back with them to their local assemblies. I met a lady and her daughter who visited last night from a sister church in town that I have specifically prayed for God to send the fire of revival to their congregation. This is all much bigger than Spring Creek.

There is much praying to be done as we eagerly prepare and anticipate what God will do in day two. Remember you can watch the services on Facebook Live. Just find Spring Creek Baptist Church in Weatherford, TX on Facebook at 7:00 p.m. or come in person to
Spring Creek Baptist Church
100 Spring Creek Road
Weatherford, TX 76087

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