Sunday, June 28, 2020

Spring Creek Day Eight Part One

I write this often, but it is true. How do I try to put these things into words God is doing. I can tell you what songs we sang this morning, but  can'tI write anything to make you feel the depths of God moving in our hearts. I can't make you understand the volume which people sang today. You cannot see the tears of those singing or feel their passion. You cannot see the joy on their faces to sing old songs hundreds of years old and new songs just a couple of years old. All sang in praise to the One worthy of all praise.

God's hand was on Sherman and Tammy again this morning. Tammy pounded that piano making beautiful music pour out of it followed by her amazing voice. Sherman led us in some of the greatest worship I have experienced. Simple and sincere. Hymns. Modern worship songs. All directed to our Lord and King Jesus. Every song building on top of the previous into a crescendo of hearing the word of the Lord. I love the fact that they both worship in leading worship. It is not a performance. It is pure worship exalting God the Father and King Jesus.

I preached from Luke 7:36-50. About a sinful woman in brokenness coming to Jesus to worship and be transformed. She found salvation in Him and He forgave her. Jesus' last words to her was to go in peace. How I pray that those who hear this message online would find that same peace.

Today, I felt more than ever that God might save someone watching online. I fully expect to be contacted by email from someone who found forgiveness and salvation like the woman in the story. I just checked my email and none yet. God is still working.

I got to pray with a woman who testified about how much Jesus has changed her this week. It is obvious. I can see it on her countenance.

We closed the service singing, "At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away, it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day." They sang that as a prayer.  Passionate. Worshipful. Prayerfully. Sincerely. At the end people clapped, I heard several loud shouts of, "Amen." An older gentleman exited first with tears in his eyes. I could only smile. Smile while we sang. Smile talking with people afterward. Even smile while writing this for our cups are full. Still we ask for more Lord.

People came out of the service radiant. Two told me they were so excited they felt like doing cartwheels down the aisle. One texted me this afternoon telling me she prayed during the service and felt like God would save people who watched online. Another lady texted me a little earlier asking if she could give her testimony tonight.  She is nervous. The last time she did so she said she cried the whole time. Absolutely she can testify. Not one testimony this week was planned. They have all be prompted by the Holy Spirit. He is still moving.

Sadly the Atens packed up this morning feeling like it was time for them to move out. In no way do I feel like God is done. We will gather tonight to worship the same Jesus, sing His songs and dig into His word. I fully expect God to keep working in our midst. It is day eight and I feel like we are picking up momentum. I look forward to what God does in the second service.

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