Monday, January 13, 2020

The Widow's Message

I stopped by to visit one of our widows today. We had a delightful conversation. What she shared as I setepped out the door to go bac to go back to the office is priceless. 

We were talking about the previous day in worship. I told her the message on giving did not seem that great from my perspective. Then she told me a story. A story I will not forget soon. 

She told me about her daddy being a hardworker. One time when the finances were tight her mother told her daddy they would not be able to tithe that week. There was not enough money to live on. The daddy insisted they tithe. They did so as an act of faith and obedience. 

The next morning when he checked the mail, there was an unexpeted check. In his line of fabricating work, if they finished a job early, the men got bonuses on what the company saved. It just so happened one of those bonus checks arrived that very day. 

I have heard similar stories. I have expereinced such things first hand. Some of the last words that lady spoke before I walked to my car included, "You can't outgive God." 

I have spoken those same words. Brenda and I have experiened this reality over and over again. The widow's words were timely. 

Over breakfast earlier I prayed, "Lord, I don't know what this day will hold, but I want to seek and serve you." In less than half an hour later my faith got tested. The widow's message later that morning spoke to my heart more powerfully than any message I have preacehd to her. Thank God for another word of inspiration and comfort. Thank God for the timing of that message. 

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