Tuesday, January 7, 2020

He Said

Between Exodus chapters 6-12 the phrase, "God said to Moses," appears 20 times. God communicates His desires, instructions and plans to His servant. In the Exodus account,t He does so to Moses repeatedly.

Moses never seemed to misunderstand what God said. He never questioned who it was speaking to him. I challenge you,, as yo read and study the Bible, especially the Old Testament, gospels and the book of Acts to mark every time God speaks to someone It is everywhere. God wants to communicate with His children, much more so I believe than His children want to hear from Him.

Hearing from God is fundamental to our relationship with Him. He communicates His love, His rebuke, His will, His directions, the future, words of comfort and faith. How few really make hearing from Him a priority. Do we believe God only communicated with characters in the Bible? Surely not. We stand in need of His counsel and wisdom as persons in the Bible did.

Learning to discern God's voice takes some training like a child first learning how to speak. It takes some time and practice. I have preached and written this hundreds if not thousands of times. The primary way God speaks to us today is through His word. That is why it is so vital that we stay in His word. I do not believe that is the only way God speaks to us. He might speak to us through another person. He might use a song. He can communicate through circumstances. He can also reveal His instructions through the Holy Spirit.

Here is the question to consider. Does God have anything to say to His people today? Let's be more specific. Does God have anything to communicate to you today? If so, are you attentive? Are you fully engaged in receiving His instructions? Do you even desire to hear from Him? If you do desire, you will have be on constant alert. You never know when or how God might communicate. He spoke to Moses from a burning bush on one occasion. He spoke to Him on the sandy shores of the Red Sea and on top of Mount Sinai. Later, Moses met with and heard from God in the tent of meeting.

So, don't get locked into a certain way God has to communicate. He refuses to be boxed in. Keep vigilant watch. Be on the alert. Stay attentive. You never when God will speak next or what He has on His mind. It is all part of the grand adventure of walking with Him. The fact that God spoke to Moses 20 times in a few chapters ought to get our attention. It certainly got mine this morning. He spoke to me just reading about Him speaking to Moses. Maybe He will use this to speak to you too.

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