Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Prayer Experiment

It started as an experiment in prayer. Spring Creek provided a parsonage for my family. Brenda and I promised Turner he could graduate from the school he has attended most of his life. He is a junior and we live one hour from the Spring Creek community. We still have a year and a half of time here and part time in Weatherford. We planned to set up a make shift home in the parsonage for weekends, and for me to stay over some during the week.

The challenge we faced dealt with furniture. In our current home, all the furniture is accounted for, especially when the college guys come home. So I determined to pray in all the needed furniture. Let me report what God has done.

First, we received a queen sized bed with matching dresser. Very classy pieces of furniture. Beautiful pedestal bed. Very comfortable I would like to add. We got two sets of sheets to go with the bed. Better than what we could have hoped for.

Not long afterward, we were given a 50" television which we set up in the living room. Her boss intended to throw it away until Brenda said she would take it. Another prayer blessing.

We were blessed with a sofa with recliners on each end from a former parishioner many years ago. A total answer to prayer. I ate my supper on that couch on Monday night. We asked and God provided.

Most recently, we were blessed with an oversized greenrecliner from a church family. Another family gave us a bed frame and a brown leather lounge chair. Anther family gave us a box spring and mattress. We asked and God provided again. They also blessed us with two end tables for the living room. Hallelujah.

A few days later, a deacon took me to a storage building he had where we found a solid wooden bunk bed with a full size bed on the bottom and a twin bed on top. I had prayed for that kind of bunk bed as the make the transition from a four bedroom home to a three bedroom home. Another blessing from the Lord.

We were also given two end tables and a couple of lamps. Extra blessings from God like frosting on the cake.

Today, Brenda and I drove to the metroplex to her middle sister's house. Her and her husband found a  Queen Victoria recliner on the side of the curb that is still in working condition and clean. We loaded it in the truck and hauled it to the parsonage. We took it inside, and formally set the living room in order. My wife has a knack for that kind of thing. Looks like we live there full time already.

All of it in answer to prayer. Some might say coincidence. Most of these items I have asked God for specifically.  There are a few things left to trust God for. Even as I write this I pause and ask Him for things. We have called the parsonage our vacation home joking.

I long for the day we can permanently move to Weatherford. It sure was nice this past week when two different days I stayed there overnight, and could walk to the office next door the following morning. That day will come when we will set deep roots in the Weatherford and Spring Creek community.

I determined up front I would not go in debt for any furniture needed for that second home. Thus far, God has supplied all of it in different ways. We are both humbled and grateful again God has given us a platform to testify about His amazing power. Our prayers are no more special than anyone else's. We have learned to trust God over the years, and put our faith into practice by asking God for what others might say is foolishness. Most of the time these prayers come from necessity. We have learned to trust God by faith for His provision. He has honored that faith walking in many ways over the years.

I'd rather have a platform in ministry such as souls saved, church growth, revival and community transformation. For some reason, God has chosen our platform to be tangible answers to prayer for His provision. We have seen it in the form of vehicles, homes, furniture, appliances and yes cash. I am not sure how many, if any, of these answers help others to keep praying and believing.. My prayer experiment has been a success, and why not? God is faithful. I have stood on His word and He has honored it.

John 14:14 (ESV)
14  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

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