Thursday, January 23, 2020

Secret Sincerity

So many people do things to be applauded by others. Sadly, this is also true in the Christian church. People give to be recognized for their sizeable contributions. They pray eloquent prayers meant for the ears of people more than the ears of God. The do all sorts of religious exercises to be seen publicly. They desire to be well thought of and talked about in respectful tones.

What about the secret service offered by followers of Jesus from hearts of sincerity. Acts done in secret to be noticed by God, but hidden from the masses. What about sincere sacrifice not broadcast for the watching crowd. A sincere sacrifice offered humbly to God who sees what is done in secret. Such sincerity must move His heart deeply.

Is there sincerity among the people of God. Do people sing for God exaltation, or to exalt self and talent. Is it more important to hit every note in a powerful performance, or to get lost in the wonder of worship forgetting a word now and then. Do people truly give offerings sincerely with no strings attached, or special favors desired. Do Christian people do good works when nobody is watching, and they will get no notoriety. Do preachers proclaim God's truth for compliments or for conviction. Sobering questions.

I am a people watcher. I notice things others might miss. I notice the servants who do what they do in secret. Or at least they think it is done in secret. Seldom do they know I'm watching in the shadows. I see sincere servants. Those who will never get credit for what they do, nor do they want credit for what they do. These are the ones I believe who please God. Their motives are pure. Their desire is serve, and glorify their King sincerely.

I am blessed to be in a church filled with such people. Sincere servants who seek and serve their King. They do not do such things to try to impress others. They are way too mature for that. They are not insecure people. They are simple down to earth kind of folks. Please note, I did not say simple minded. I serve among very intelligent people. They are filled with wisdom. They are skilled at many things and not one trick ponies. They are also sincere. They serve out of the purity of their hearts. They labor for the pure joy it brings them to help others. I stand amazed watching these folks in action when they don't know I am watching. More importantly, God watches. He also rewards sincerity.


A very grateful shepherd of a very sincere flock.

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