Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Send The Light

I just finished studying for my message tonight and the words of an old hymn keep playing in my mind. Especially the second verse. Here are the words:

We have heard the Macedonian call today, "Send the light! Send the light!" And a golden offering at the cross we lay send the light, send the light.

(chorus) Send the light, the blessed gospel light, let it shine from shore to shore, send the light the blessed gospel light let it shine forevermore. 

Verse one is equally compelling:

There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless waves, "Send the light! Send the light!" There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save, send the light, send the light


Acts 16:9-10 (NKJV)
9  And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."

10  Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.

Those scripture verses have dogged my steps for several years now. The song has replayed in my mind over and over again. It is reality that God can speak to anyone in anyway He pleases to call them on mission for Him. God might call through a sermon, a devotion, a book, conviction of the Holy Spirit, a song and maybe even in a dream.

Paul did not delay. He did not hold a committee meeting. No business meeting was called to determine whether Paul and Timothy should go to Macedonia. Paul immediately sought to obey.

We sing songs like Send The Light, I Have Decided To Follow Jesus and Wherever He Leads I'll Go. Do we really mean them?

Just a few weeks we were singing that old song I Love To Tell The Story. Part way through the first verse I quit singing under conviction. I asked myself if I had told the story of Jesus to anyone recently and could not think of a single incident. I could not mouth the words of something not true in my life. God desires truth in the inward parts. [Ps 51:6] If God called today for you to uproot your current life to follow Him elsewhere would you obey? Or would you rationalize the His call away and dismiss the whole thing.

I made the mistake in the past of telling churches I would not leave them. That was foolish on my part. I hurt a lot of people. It has been my long desire to give decades of service to a single church but that is just my desire. It may not be God's will. As I seek to live surrendered to Him I did not know back then anymore than I know today what the future holds for me and my family. Following Jesus has taken some twists and turns I never imagined. Surrendered means I renounce my life and any rights or claims to it. God can call me to go anywhere, to do anything at anytime and He DOES NOT NEED MY PERMISSION.

Paul did not just give lip service to proclaiming the gospel. That is a phrase you hear a lot around religious circles. We need to preach the gospel so people will get saved. Please help us proclaim the gospel with your financial contribution. Join us as we reach the world for Christ by sharing the gospel. We need to build additional space so we can reach people with the gospel. Please help us stay on the airwaves so we can proclaim the gospel. And others just like them. Words. Often times empty phrases.

What about living the gospel. What about living as a bondslave to Jesus. What about living crucified with Christ to the point it is no longer you living but Him living through you. [Gal 2:20]What about living surrendered, yielded and in submission to His authority. What about living out the words of the song, "Wherever He leads I'll go."

There is so much need in the world. There are people who have never heard. Let me say that again. There are people on planet earth who have NEVER HEARD THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS. You don't have to get on a plane to find them. They are your family. Your neighbors. Your co-workers, your friends. Yes, there are nations where many people have never heard of Jesus. God is looking for people who will go. The United States is a nation filled with many who have never heard and who live in spiritual darkness.

There are many churches without pastors and preachers. There are communities without shepherds to keep watch over the souls of the residents. Should God's Macedonian cry come to you today at this hour will you go. Will you lay down your security like Abraham did. [Gen 12:1-2] Will you be willing to look like a fool to obey God like Noah did. [Heb 11:8] Will you lay your life down on God's altar like Paul did. [Rom 12:1] When God's call comes will you respond. Will you go like Paul did. [Acts 16:10]

That is what is expected of followers of Jesus. No fanfare. No applause of men. Just men and women heeding the Macedonian call to go and send the light. Lord, please keep ready to go and send the light all the days of my life.

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