Monday, July 23, 2018


If someone were to give you a nickname what would you want it to be? I know two student pastors known better as "Bro." I know a worship pastor we just call "Rocket." In college we called a student who grew up cowboying "Tex." We called another guy "Big Bird."

Some nicknames characterize a person. Brenda was called "Smiley" growing up. Her smile can light up a room. Some put descriptions in the nickname. "Big E." "Tiny T" "Sweet T." "Sweet Lou." "Tiny Tim". "Big John".

What would you want your nickname to be? What would you want it to characterize about you? A guy named John got a nickname. I am not referring to John the Baptist. This John lived much later. Most people may not even know him by his first name. They probably just know him by his nickname. "Praying Hyde." He long ago departed to heaven but he lived a mighty life.

"Praying" John Hyde served as a missionary. He devoted himself to prayer like few others who have ever lived. Especially the intercession for lost souls. At one point he prayed for and believed God to use him to lead several souls to salvation in Jesus every single day. God not only heard but He also answered those prayers.

Praying Hyde forsook sleep and meals in his prayers often. Many times he prayed right through meetings refusing to break fellowship with God to keep the company of men when God would not release him from the prayer closet.

Sitting on my desk is a well worn hardback book written by Basil Miller. The title of that book is Praying Hyde: A Man Of Prayer. I have read it before but am about to start it again. There is still so much to learn on the subject of prayer.

If I could choose my nickname I would not choose"Revivalist", "Evangelist", "Pastor", "Author" or anything else I can imagine. I would choose to be known for prayer. Not one single day of my life have I ever given myself to the exercise of prayer like Praying Hyde. Not once. I have prayed. Only God knows how much and how long. I have never received the powerful results Hyde received in answer to his prayers. I have preached on prayer. I have written on prayer repeatedly. Have I ever prayed so fervently and consistently that it characterized my whole life? Sadly I would have to say no.

Prayer is multifaceted. Through prayer we get to know God. Not get to know about Him. We fellowship with Him. We encounter Him. We walk with Him. We worship Him. We discover Him. We hear from Him.

Through the exercise of prayer and Scripture study our faith increases. We can trust God to move mountains of various shapes and sizes. We can grow in confidence and conviction that nothing is impossible with God.

In prayer we become instruments of revival. To see the morale climate of churches, communities and even whole countries changed.

Praying Hyde prayed mightily, preached mightily, won souls mightily and walked mightily with God in the mission field.

I don't know what you want to be remembered for. Being a great cook, host or hostess, great money manager, a successful business person, an inspiring leader, a loving and compassionate person? If God would let me choose and, if one nickname could truthfully characterize my life, I would choose prayer. I am not such a person. At least not yet. May God grow me into that kind of person. May He make me willing to pay the price to intercede alone for those desperate with need from family, to friends and flock.

Isaiah 62:6-7 (NKJV)
6  I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent,
7  And give Him no rest till He establishes And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

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