Saturday, July 21, 2018

I Just Want To Serve The Lord

He told me repeatedly, "I just want to serve the Lord," during the course our conversation. He is well past retirement years but he and his wife are not content to be pushed to the side with other senior adults and just be entertained from time to time. They both want to work for God. They still have much to give.

They have inspired me to do more. Age is not an excuse. Many people work just so they can get to the point when they can retire. They retire to play or sit with no purpose and no passion for living. Senior adults have much more to offer than many people are willing to give them credit for. They just need to be asked.

I had a recent conversation with a lady who suffered a debilitating accident. With tears in her eyes she  lamented the fact that she is unable to help with VBS. Others who are younger and have better health lament the fact that they are asked to do things for God and their church. She wishes she could do the things others regret having to do.

I know a senior adult man who gathered cattle on horseback on his eightieth birthday. He still faithfully teaches a Sunday class. He's not looking for a rocking chair to retire. He is looking for his ministry. I wish I served a church filled with people like that man. I am thinking about two pastors. One just turned 70 and is still growing strong. The other is 73 and has served his flock for nearly two and a half decades. Both faithful stalwarts of the faith.

We are missing out on a gold mine of wealth in talent, creativity and all sorts of skill sets that could be leveraged for the Kingdom of God if senior adults were just asked and made to feel useful. I am thankful for senior adults. I see many of them still serving and active in ministry. I still see them looking for opportunities to serve. I still see them singing joyfully and doing what they can for the King of Kings.

To all senior adults who still serve and do not use their age as an excuse I salute you. I say thank you for what you do for Jesus and have done for our King and for His kingdom.

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