Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Guiding Light

There have been many seasons in my life when I did not know the right decision to make. I did not know which way to turn or what direction to go. I weighted the options. At times I even made lists of pros and cons about what decision to make. Of course I prayed and asked the opinions of those closest to me. None of those things really helped in the end. I would ponder and make my lists, pray and still sit unsure and unclear about what to do.

I faced this when trying to decide where to go to college. God guided me to Howard Payne University. I thought just to play football. I would not have even heard of HPU except for a friend who grew up on my home church who recommended I check it out. I never even visited another college campus even though I had three other colleges express interest in my playing football for them. One visit to HPU and I just knew that was where I was to go. God's guiding light directed me to go to that small Christian university. It proved strategic. God knew He would call me to ministry only a few months later and there I met my wife and several close friends to this day.

At other times I've needed to make decisions about such things as where we ministered, where we lived and where our sons would go to to college. God's guiding light has always been there to point the right path to take. You may ask what guiding light?

God has guided me in two ways. One,I talk about all the time. It is the light of His word.
Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Over the years I've learned some things about how God communicates. When He wants to direct my path in a certain way without fail He uses His word. Each time God has wanted a major change in my life and ministry He has used certain scriptures over and over again to get my attention. Before I went to Paradise, TX he used Deut 1:8. Before going to Seminole He used Rom 12:1 and Matt 9:35-38. In the past several years it has been Is 6:8. Earlier this summer He used Heb 11:1,6. He has used Matt 16:24 for years in our lives. Those same verses will continually show up in my Bible reading, in other books I read, in songs, in listening to other people teach or preach. You may not believe this but a year ago I preached a youth camp and two of those verses showed up on the campus of that college. One verse was on a large brick sign. The other verse was written in the concrete on a sidewalk. At the time I did not have clarity of direction but I knew God was guiding me with the light of His word. Looking back today it has all come together. His word gave light to my path.

Lamps and lighst are not like what we have today. We have powerful flashlights and spotlights or headlights on a vehicle to illumine our path. God's word is seldom like that. It is more like a lantern or a torch which gives us enough light for the next few steps in front of us. God guides us with His light often just a few steps at a time. Why? I believe one reason for this is it causes us to stay in communion with Him and to trust Him. If He showed us the whole path we might try to get ahead of Him and find shortcuts to get to the end destination. God is more interested in our relationship than just us getting to the end destination.

I can think back over the years to certain times I had with God in devotions and how His word illumined my path. He gave me a glimpse of His plans for me beside a lake at a picnic table in east Texas early one morning. He met me in my living room one morning when I was about to pull back from a step of faith He wanted me to take. Another time I met Him early in the pages of Scripture when He wanted me to relocate our ministry and I doubted. I was about to pull back when I read the story of Jonah trying to run from the will of God. I recall meeting with Him as a guest in a home on a preaching assignment and then again later that night at the altar of that church when I finished preaching. Those two encounters with His word changed where we lived and served. I met Him recently on the front row on the far right side in a blue padded chair in a small sanctuary after another message. On that night I prayed this prayer, "God if nobody was really listening tonight I was. I lay my life before You. I surrender my will and dreams in favor of Yours. Whatever You want me to do I give you my yes." Within one week of that encounter God showed me exactly what He wanted me to do.

When I look back on all the times God has guided me with His word I am amazed. At critical junctions He sent the right verse at the right time. Timely words to guide my steps. HIs guiding light has not failed me. It has been as certain as a roadmap.

His guiding light has come in other forms. One of the most consistent has been His peace or lack of peace in certain situations. One time Brenda and I stepped out in faith in a ministry venture with eagerness. As the weeks passed I began to doubt we were on the right path. The lack of peace persisted. Brenda commented that she had never seen me like that before. As time passed I became more and more restless.

In desperation I contacted 12 people I trust for spiritual counsel.. I explained the situation. The consensus of that counsel was that I had made a mistake. As painful and embarrassing as it was I had to retract from our ministry commitment. God confirmed we made the right decision in a dramatic fashion neither Brenda and I could miss the very next day after we stepped away. We now know we made the right decision because of the guiding light of His peace.

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)
6  do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The light of His word and the light of His peace guide the Edwards' steps. I am content He has done that even to this day. We believe we are right where He wants us to be for now. I would not trade for the times I've had with Him in the pages of His word seeking His guiding light. It is a light that never fades. There were many days when I closed my Bible with no more light than I had the day before. I kept reading and seeking. When He was ready, at the appointed time, He gave more light to show Brenda and I the way. When He did this we were always on the same page.

There have been numerous times when His peace or lack of peace overwhelmed. At times we have turned away from many opportunities because of lack of peace. We have also planted our lives and roots in places because of His peace.

Recently we were extended a new ministry opportunity. It would have required relocating. On the surface it looked appealing. The word did not give us guidance nor did either of us have peace. In the end we backed away believing God had something else in mind. In a matter of days He revealed a lighted path to what He wanted. His word confirmed it. His peace sealed it.

If you are facing tough decisions I exhort you to trust the guiding light of God's word and His peace. If you do not have either I would counsel you to wait. Wait on God give you light. It will save you a lot of headaches and heartaches if you wait for His guiding light.

1 comment:

  1. Truth. Just preached on this today. Nothing like God giving understanding and a peace that passes understanding. Looking forward to October and how God prepares our hearts. Love you, my brother.
