Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Majority Rule

Each person made their voice known. When all was said and done the vote was unanimous. It is a beautiful thing when people all get on the same page and make their decisions with like minds. Such was the case on this historic day. With so much harmony and unity it looked to be a great day. Only one thing. THESE PEOPLE CHOSE UNANIMOUSLY NOT TO DO THE WILL OF GOD!

You can read about this incident in the nation of Israel in [I Samuel 8:1-22]. Samuel had aged. He appointed his two sons to serve as judges over Israel. Both boys were in it for the money. They accepted bribes to pervert justice. They chased after filthy lucre. Samuel knew it. All the people knew it. Something had to be done.

That is why the elders of Israel came to Samuel with a proposition. They wanted a king just like all the other nations. God was their King. Yet He was not enough. They rejected Him in favor of an earthly king. The elders were all in agreement on this matter. Let me say every good idea is not always a God idea. That bears repeating. EVERY GOOD IDEA IS NOT ALWAYS A GOD IDEA.

This displeased Samuel greatly. It grieved and angered him. He did the wise thing. He prayed. He sought God on how to handle the matter. God's answer must have been surprising. God counseled Samuel, "Heed the voice of the people." In other words, give them what they wanted. God told Samuel to warn the people what would happen if they chose an earthy king.

God warned Israel an earthly king would take their sons and daughters as soldiers and servants in the palace. He warned they would have to give up their livestock, crops, and servants also to the king.

Predictably, Israel refused to obey Samuel. They rejected his prophetic words. In one accord they chose not to obey God. The majority ruled. The unanimous vote was not do the will of God. The majority were wrong.

This is seen around the country. The majority rules the elections and makes the decisions from the Supreme Court all the way down to the municipal courts. The majority in the jury rule. The majority of the Supreme Court Justices win. The majority of the senatorial and congressional votes win the issue. How many times does the majority vote not to do what God wants. Legalized abortion. Homosexual marriage. Legalized marijuana. This is just to name a few.

If you want to stand with God you had best be prepared to stand in the minority. Just ask Joshua and Caleb. Ask David about facing Goliath alone. Talk to Jonathan about attacking hostile troops with just his armor bearer. What about Elijah on Mount Carmel. Or Paul and Silas in prison.

The majority are not always right. Many in the majority do not even seek the counsel of God about important decisions. This includes the church. People use logic, common sense and business techniques to make decisions. I have never seen a sadder day for churches seeking new pastors. It has become a very unspiritual process. They choose pastors like Wall Street companies choose a new CEO. Is their choice always God's choice.

There are consequences for our choices. When we choose to rebel against God there will be a reckoning. [Gal 6:7] The Bible is filled with stories of people making wrong decisions. Abraham having a child through Sarah's servant Hagar. Fast forward a few thousand years and the consequences are the instability of the Middle East among Muslim countries. The Israelites voted 10-2 not to go into the promised land and paid for it early for the next 40 years. Jonah chose not to go to Nineveh until God intervened. Jeremiah preached repentance but Israel turned a stiff neck and rejected his message. God judged the nation as a result.

I want to concern myself with what God wants and wills. What the majority thinks contrary to that is irrelevant to me. Whether it comes to electing a President, Governor, or leadership team at church what God wills and wants is most important.

Over and over again the majority in America make the wrong decisions. They choose to go against God repeatedly. One day we will reap what we've sown. In many cases we already are. The majority think they rule. They may for awhile. In the end, there will only be one vote. A sovereign, just, holy God. His voice and vote will be all that matters. Millions will perish into eternal damnation. Some will be redeemed through the blood of Jesus. His minority rule will trump every other majority vote in the cosmos. I hope you are siding with God.

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