Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Vomit is not a pleasant sight or smell. Some people gag and their stomach turns at the sight or sound of vomit. It can be described in phrases like blowing chunks, puke, or gergertate. 

In Rev 3:15-16 Jesus chastises the church at Laodicea for not being cold or hot, but for being lukewarm. He said He would spit such people out of His mouth. A better way to put it is that He will vomit such people out of His mouth. Lukewarm people may Him nauseatedly sick to His stomach. 

This is sad because churches are filled with lukewarm members. Many lukewarm preachers fill the pulpits Sunday after Sunday. Lukewarm worship leaders lead singing. Lukewarm teachers instruct small groups. Tepid followers of Jesus sit apathetically listening to ice cold sermons delivered professionally but not passionately by lukewarm pastors in some cases. 

When I consider all that we do as Christians in our gatherings, and that much of it sickens Jesus, it is a sobering thought. Sad. Repentance is in order. That is the exact message Jesus gave to the Laodicea church. It is a message needed for the church age today. 

I heard a person involved on the worship team of a church say recently how people sit stone faced on Sundays refusing to sing. That does not sound like something Jesus smiles on. He wants His people to love Him first and foremost. He wants His people to passionately seek Him. He wants His people to live with fire in their hearts and a burning in their souls. A fire that cannot be quenched by circumstances or persecution. 

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