I just got off the phone with a man who was spitting mad. Not at me. He was mad at a person who defrauded him out thousands of dollars. He confronted the man at work and the accused just smiled at him smugly. The man who called me wanted to fight. Wisdom prevailed and he opted to turn the other cheek. He called me to vent and ask what he should do. He wanted to take the guy to court to get his money back.
I offered some scripture. [James 1:19-20] This you know my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.
Like so many other verses, they are easier to read than to live. Being quick to hear others and slow to speak takes a lot more than discipline. It takes a supernatural work of God deep in us. The natural response is just the opposite of what scripture calls us to old We are often quick to speak and slow to listen. This can get us into all sorts of trouble. We are also to be slow to anger. The word anger in that verse means impulsive wrath.
How easy it is to get angry at other people. We are wronged, disrespected, harmed, belittled, and cheated. This makes us angry impulsively. We naturally want to retaliate. We are suppose to keep anger in check. To throttle it back. Not to give into our impulses.
No matter how much we want to retaliate and make people pay it will never produce what we hope it will. God's purposes will not be achieved by losing our tempers, blowing our top, and exploding into rage. God sees all. Nothing escapes His notice. He sees every wrong. Trust Him. Nobody gets away with it. Nobody will escape judgment outside of a saving relationship with Jesus.
The offender in the story I told is not a Christian. I have witnessed to this man several times. He is a person of low character and will act out that low character repeatedly. His payday will come someday. It may not be until he stands before God in judgment. He will have to give an account for his actions. He will answer for the wrongs he has done.
It is easy to get angry. It will never bring about the desired results. We trust God to make things right. We trust God for justice in this life and in the afterlife. So we can let go of anger and bitterness. We leave it all in His capable hands. Remember that nobody will get away with it and we will be vindicated.
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