Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Possess is an action word. It means to take ownership. To seize something. As the brand spanking new year unfolds, the word I am focusing on for the year is possess. To prayerfully possess everything God is putting out there for my family and the church I serve. 

Possession is not a passive wait and see what happens attitude. It is an aggressive approach to life and ministry. There are things to possess for my family. Things to possess for the Kingdom of God. There are a bunch of unknowns going into the next 365 days. We do not even know if we will make the entire year. Jesus could return and rapture His church. Should He tarry there are things dangling out there just within reach if we pray boldly, obey God promptly, and refuse to be intimidated by the odds. 

Possess is a mindset. It is an attitude. Possessing requires faith and action. It requires bold praying, prompt obeying, and fearless faith not intimidated by impossible odds. Too often believers take a sit back and see what happens mentality. They live life in neutral instead of drive. They stand still idling their faith but never pressing the accelerator. Louie Giglio who is a pastor and author once said, "If you make one mistake let it be that you ask God for too much instead of not enough." I LOVE THAT! That is the way to live daily. 

There are family members to be claimed for Jesus. There are prodigals to be reclaimed for the Lord. There are revivals to plead for in the nation. There are people in bondage who need to be delivered. There are missions work to be undertaken. There are steps of faith to be taken resulting in mighty acts of God. Possess. That is my word for the year. What is yours? Seek God for a word to set the tone for you spiritually throughout the year. 

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