I Samuel 3 is a favorite passage of mine. In that chapter the boy Samuel hears a voice calling for him. He thinks it is the priest and mentor calling for him. Samuel throws back the covers and makes his way to Eli the priest. Eli informs him that he did not call. The same thing happens a second time and then a third time.
At this point Eli discerned that maybe God was speaking to Samuel. Eli told Samuel if he heard the voice again to respond saying, "Speak LORD for your servant is listening." [I Sam 3:9]. He did and God spoke to the lad. It was a harsh prophetic word about Eli and his sons.
I read that passage this morning. I immediately set aside time to listen. I failed to discern His voice because I could not get my mind to be still. It raced from one random topic to the next. Very frustrating that even though I was in a quiet place in total isolation I could not slow my mind to focus on listening.
Something dawned on me today. Samuel did not initiate the encounter. God did. God spoke to Samuel. He came to Samuel. He reached out to the young man. He had something to communicate to the young soon to be prophet. God prompted the whole encounter. With that I relaxed. I contented myself knowing that when God has something to reveal to me and when the time is right, He will speak. My task is to live with a listening attitude at all times.
When I look back over the past when God wanted to speak something to me, He revealed it clearly. I have written many times that the most prominent and consistent way God speaks to me is through His word. I have multiple passages highlighted and underlined in my Bible representing a significant God encounter. There is [Matt 16:24] I prayed over at a prayer garden in Glenrose, TX where I promised God I would go anywhere, to do anything, at anytime. There are [Matt 9:36] and [Rom 12:1] God used to call me to FBC Seminole as pastor. There are [Luke 18:28-30] and [Ps 37:4] God used to lead us in purchasing our first home by faith. There is [I Thess 5:24] God spoke when I held my first "Shake the City Crusade" in Hudson, TX and I was having second doubts. God used [Deut 1:8,21] when He called Brenda and I to FBC Paradise. In recent days God has used [Is 6:8] and [Acts 16:9-10]. Not sure what those verses mean just yet, but I trust God will clarify in His good time. Most of these blogs are born out of my times with the LORD each morning.
I love the fact that God speaks to us. Sometimes He speaks words of comfort and consolation. There are times we need Him to chastise us. There are words given for direction. There are also words shared for hope and expectancy for the future. God speaks about all sorts of things. I have learned that God speaks in many ways.
Brenda and I were driving back home the other day when we were stopped at the signal near Chic-Fil-A. In the lane next to us was a tractor trailer with the big words written on the back door, "ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME." I could hardly believe my eyes. Many years ago, He spoke to me through a song titled "I Will Trust You" by Dennis Jernigan. Another time He spoke to me through a recorded message about faith by Bruce Wilkerson that I count as one of the most impactful messages of my life. There are other times when His speaking is like a soft impression in my mind. On a few occasions I believe He has even spoken to me in dreams.
He is creative in the ways He speaks. That is not the most important thing to me. The fact that He does speak is the important thing. He delights to communicate with His children. I hope we long to listen. Listening should be a top priority in our prayer times. We can easily rush through prayer so quickly that we neglect to take the time to listen. His voice is the sweetest voice I know.
May we pray Samuel's prayer repeatedly throughout our lives. Speak LORD for your servants are listening.
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