Tuesday, January 21, 2025

I've Got Something Better

 Reluctantly I drove myself to a regular check up with the doctor this morning. I will never understand why the doctors wants us to make appointments and will penalize us if we are late, but they are regularly late to call us back to the examination room and then late in showing up in the room. 

I met a new nurse this morning named Asia. The regular nurse I developed a repour with moved to a different city. It was my first encounter with Asia. I looked for a way to work Jesus into the conversation. She asked my birthdate to pull up my chart on the computer and then started taking vital signs. Oxygen, blood pressure, and temperature. She made the comment that she had not had her coffee yet this morning. Then she said, "I got to have me some coffee in the morning to get me going."

That was my opportunity to speak about Jesus. I responded, "I found something better to get me going in the morning." I left her hanging. She took the bait and asked what it was. I exclaimed, "I get up early and get some Jesus in the morning to get me going." She broke out in a big smile and said, "Yes, Jesus in the morning, Jesus all day, and Jesus at night." 

Jesus is better than coffee to get a person going in the morning. Time alone with Him in conversation and meditation on His word can jump start the most sluggish morning person. I have known many people who have to have coffee in the morning. Without it they are irritable. Likewise, I have met some Christians who are irritable and joyless because they do not crave Jesus in the morning like they crave coffee. 

Meeting with Jesus should be the most important appointment we keep each day. Nothing should be of higher priority. It should be scheduled on our calendars consistently. More important than extra sleep, breakfast, catching the morning weather report, or reading the newspaper. Time with Jesus is most assuredly more important than social media. Jesus is better than all of that. 

Let me exhort you to start your day with Jesus. Okay. Some of you are like Brenda. You choose to start your day with Jesus and coffee! Like clockwork I know that love of my life will wake early and go make her coffee. Then she will open the blinds in the bedroom and sit in her chair. She will get into the scriptures followed by listening to worship music. Jesus gets her going in the morning. He will do the same for you. Even Jesus made time for the Father in the morning. [Mark 1:35] I think we should all follow His example. 

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