Friday, January 3, 2025

The Fate of 36

 Secret sin is nothing new. Recent headlines report scandalous sin in churches and religious organizations. Shameful deeds done in secret have been exposed publicly. The reproach brought on Christianity is incalculable. Once highly respected ministers have been publicly humiliated as their private sins became public. 

This is nothing new. You can go all the way back to Genesis 3 and 4 and see the origins of secret sins. Fast forward several hundred years to the book of Joshua. [Joshua 7:19-21]. When God commanded that Joshua lead Israel to defeat Jericho He gave strict orders not to take any contraband. One man violated that command secretly. Nobody knew. 

Achan stole a cloak, some silver and a bar of gold weighing about a pound and a half. He snuck those things into his tent and hid them. Nobody knew. NOBODY BUT GOD! He saw all of it. Joshua was not aware nor any of the fighting men. We are not even sure if Ache's family knew about his disobedience. 

When it came time to attack the smaller city of Ai, the Israeli troops were confident. So confident they convinced Joshua to only send a small fighting force. They expected God to help and therefore, to win another victory. They were defeated causing them to retreat. Not before 36 men lost their lives. All because of the secret sin of one man. 

Don't be fooled. Some argue that their own private choices are not hurting anyone but themselves. That is a lie. Secret sins impact a lot of other people. 36 men died because of the secret sin of one man. That impacted their families as well as the whole army when they suffered defeat because of the selfish sinful choices of one covetous man. Secret sins of pastors hurt the pastor's family, the victim's family, the congregations they serve, and others who may have benefited from the pastor's ministry. The secret sins of spouses hurt the other spouse as well as the children and extended family. 

There are consequences for sin. God will not be mocked. [Gal 6:7-8] We reap what we sow. If we so deeds to the flesh we reap destruction. It is so sad to see people fall because of secret sin. These secret sins are getting exposed on the larger ministry platforms right and left lately. Sexual abuse, adultery, corruption, deceit, and financial improprieties are rampant. 

The sin of coveting in Achan's life was so shortsighted. He did not even get to enjoy what he stole. God brought the sin to public knowledge and it cost Achan and his family their lives. Justice was harsh in the Old Testament and swift. It was meant to be a reminder to the rest of the nation to obey God. 

Sadly, many people appear to get away with shameful secrets these days. I assure you it is only an illusion. God knows all. There will be a day of accounting. God will make things right in the end. Justice will be served. I hope we all take sin more seriously. I hope we all are determined to walk in holiness. [I Pet 1:15-16] To prayerfully not surrender to secret sin. May we fall so in love with God that it causes us to hate sin just like He does. 

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