Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Definition of Prayer

 There are many synonyms for prayer. Petitions. Supplications. Requests. Intercessions. Prayer is when a person asks God for His divine intervention and help in a situation. That is not the definition I had in mind today for prayer. That is just one I made up. I found a far simpler one in the Bible. So simple everyone can easily remember it. It comes in the form of an illustration. 

Hannah is not a prominent figure in the Bible. She plays a small role. She does set an example of what genuine prayer looks like. In the account about her in [I Samuel 1:1-28] we read her story. She was married to a man name Elkanah. Unfortunately, he had another wife also named Peninah. Peninah had children but Hannah remained barren. This brought untold misery to Hannah. 

Yearly they traveled to Shiloh to offer sacrifices and worship. Elkanah gave Hannah twice what he gave his other wife to offer the LORD. The priest watched Hannah pray and supposed she was drunk because of the way she was acting. He confronted Hannah. In her defense Hannah gives the best definition of prayer I've read anywhere. 

She answered Eli, "No my Lord, I am a woman oppressed in spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have poured out my soul before the LORD." [I Sam 1:15]

Praying is pouring our souls out to God. Think about pouring liquid out of a container and you get an idea what pouring our souls before God will look like. Hannah carried a burden of being childless. This is what she poured out before the Lord. All the pain of disappointment, all the desire, all the desperation in such anguish Eli actually thought she was intoxicated. 

I'm sure some reading this are carrying your own burdens, and you are also oppressed in spirit. Pouring your soul out may not look very dignified. In her deep distress Hannah wept bitterly. Not a pretty picture. I am sure uncomfortable to watch. Hannah did not care what others thought about her actions. She poured out everything inside her offering it to the LORD. 

A couple of decades ago Brenda and I were in a very rough stretch of ministry. The church we served was declining. The offerings were so small no stead salary could be offered. We were both discouraged. I was invited to teach at a youth camp of several hundred students. One night during the worship service I felt so distressed and oppressed in spirit I could not hold it in. I got on my face and did what Hannah did. I poured out my soul before the LORD. It did not take long before the tears started flowing. Not to gross you out, but soon the snot started running out of nose. A puddle of tears and mucus formed on the spot where I prostrated myself. It was clearly visible to others as they walked by. One godly woman commented what a beautiful sight it was. Not physically but spiritually. That puddle represented a significant prayer encounter with the LORD. 

Prayer can be defined as pouring your soul before the LORD. Now the question is do you pray like that? Do you mouth religious phrases and repetitions or do you pour your soul into it. Hannah got what she asked God for in a son named Samuel. Samuel grew up to be a great prophet in Israel. Samuel did not come without some importunate travailing. Many times, the answers to prayer are delayed until great anguish is expended in prayer. Perhaps you will also get your requests if you pray with an emptied soul and not a mouth of religious verbiage. May His answers glorify His magnificent name. 

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