I once read that leadership can be defined simply as the ability to influence people. This can be done positively or negatively. Good leaders influence people in uplifting ways and beneficial ways. Bad leaders can influence people in destructive and oppressive ways.
Leadership can be lonely. The old saying goes, "It's lonely at the top." A lot of people connive and strive to get into leadership positions. They are greedy for power. They long for the prestige. How could that be lonely? It gets lonely when you have to stand alone and make decisions that are best but not everyone agrees with.
There comes a time when leading forces decisions that are necessary but not always popular. That is the nature of leadership. It requires steely nerves, thick skin, and unwavering resolve to do what is right even if it requires personal sacrifice. This was never more personified than in Jesus. His leadership in doing what was right for the people cost Him His life. [Matt 26]
Many want to lead while caving into peer pressure and political polls. Leaders may upset the status quo from time to time. Leaders may be forced to do unpopular things that will prove beneficial in hindsight. Leading people to war is not always popular but sometimes necessary to protect citizens.
When the crisis hour comes what will today's leaders choose. This may be the leader of a household. It could be the leader of a civic organization. It may be a leader on a sports team, someone put in charge at work, someone in a church, or the president of a country. All these are put in a position to influence others. In the crisis moment will they make the tough calls? Will they stand firm and lead with conviction or will they cower in fear?
We need godly leaders who will do what is right, seek God's wisdom, and courageously follow God's counsel. Men like Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, and Paul to name a few. Some people view leaders as people to be served. Nobody was a greater leader than Jesus and He came to serve others and not to be served by them. Jesus humbled Himself taking a towel and washed the disciples' feet in John 13. He spoke hard truth to the religious leaders of the day identifying them as hypocrites in Matthew 23. He lead people to part with some of the rituals and customs of the day. Mark 3.
This nation needs to follow Jesus' leadership. We need leaders who honor and seek Him first. We need leaders with courage and not gutless cowards. We need leaders who actually care about the people they are leading. Many people have the titles of a leader but fail miserably. May God raise His leaders over this land once again.
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