Thursday, January 30, 2025


 Regret is the feeling of sadness and disappointment for something that happened. As I look back over my life I have a lot of regrets. Sinful choices. Poor decisions. Impulsive actions and reactions. If we only had a time machine where we could go back and correct our mistakes. There are no do overs. We only get one shot at life. No mulligans. There is grace. There is forgiveness. There are second chances sometimes. 

Sometimes the opportunities for second chances passes us by. We have to live with the consequences of those choices. That can be tough to live with if you approach life always looking back over your shoulder. Paul's  admonition for us in Phil 3:13 is true. Forgetting what lies behind. Pressing forward to what lies ahead. 

We cannot go back and undo the past. Instead of regret, we should repent where necessary and move forward. It is easy to get stuck in the rut of regret. We end up spinning our wheels but never making any progress. We can learn from past mistakes but we cannot go back and undo them. 

What do you regret? A lost love. A wrong career path. A bad investment. Discovering that the grass is not always greener on the other side. There is nothing you can do to go back and relive those moments. So quit looking backwards. Focus forward. There is still life to be lived. Things to achieve. Dreams to fulfill. God ordained assignments to accept. 

Regret wallows in self pity. Repentance deals with the sin and moves ahead. Which one more defines your life? Yes, learn from the past but don't remain stuck there. Don't waste your life in regret. Step into the next opportunity. Devote yourself to failing forward. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. With bull dogged determination keep pressing forward in faith to the things God has ordained for your life. That sure beats living in regret. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 To be bitter means to be angry, hurt, and resentful because of one's bad experience or unjust treatment. There are a lot of bitter people in the world today. Bitter toward their parents or grandparents. Bitter toward siblings. Bitter toward friends. Bitter toward co-workers. Bitter toward enemies. 

People carry this bitterness night and day. It eats at them. It impacts their physical, mental, and emotional health negatively. People still choose to cling to bitterness. Seething in anger and resentment. Sometimes the people others are angry at and resent are oblivious to this fact. They are not even aware of the bitterness. It does not impact their lives at all, while on the other hand, it destroys the bitter person inside. 

This impacts new relationships too. Bitter people will be more guarded, quicker to judge, and less trusting in a new relationship. They will project the actions of the one who hurt them onto the new relationship without cause sometimes. 

There is no healthy justification for hanging onto bitterness. We are told in [Eph 4:31] to put bitterness away from us. Some choose to embrace it. This is a direct violation of scripture. Bitter people are angry, resentful and miserable. I know. I carried bitterness deep inside for a long time. 

Without going into graphic details, I was sexually abused as a child and physically abused too. It made me a very angry child and teenager. I was untamable in my anger and fought a lot. My mother could not make me behave. Neither could my grandparents with whom we lived. Coaches and teachers could not either. I grew up angry and bitter toward many people. 

I got challenged on this while preaching a revival. Jesus saved me when I was 17 but I did not let go of my bitterness then. My great uncle held revival services in the church he pastored. He asked me to come preach them. Over dinner one evening after services he and my aunt asked why I didn't smile more and seemed so angry in the pulpit. This opened the door for a conversation about my childhood. They learned many things that wrongfully and shamefully happened to me as a child. I also learned that I was lied to all my life about who my father was. This information only angered me more. 

They both challenged me to forgive them. I went back to my hotel wrestling with their counsel. I took out a notepad and made a list. 27 names were compiled on that list. Most were family. Some were cantankerous church members who had lied about me. One by one I prayed through that list. Some had already died. I wrote letters to many of those people. The ones who were dead I still wrote to get the bitterness out of my heart. Then I crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash. I mailed the other letters to the living ones. God brought freedom to my soul. He replaced the bitterness with forgiveness. God broke the bondage of bitterness that held me captive for decades. 

Who are we not to forgive others no matter what they have done? God in Christ forgave us. [Col 3:13] We certainly did not deserve it. He gave it freely. He exhorts us to do the same for others. May God melt the bitterness in our hearts and replace it with liquid love where grace flows. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Piercing the Dark

 When Taylor and Tanner were little, before Tucker and Turner were born, Brenda and I took them on vacation. Taylor was around 5 and Tanner around 3. We went to a tourist cave destination. I still remember descending the steps down into the depths of that cavern. They had lights to illuminate our way down into the bellows of the earth. 

When we reached the bottom the tour guide shared facts about the cave. I cannot remember any of them. Tanner got tired and wanted me to carry him. He was tuckered out from all those steps.  If you know how big Tanner is now you can imagine he was a sizable three year old. The largest of our four sons. While the guide kept talking my muscles kept burning. 

I do remember one thing. The guide talked about the darkness in the cave. So dark she said you are not able to see your hand right in front of your face. They turned the lights out. I held my free hand up and sure enough I could not see anything. Pitch black. Outer darkness. 

There is something about the dark that makes us unsettled. Ever walked through a dark building at night without light. You are unsure about your next steps. You grope your way along. Every noise makes you feel creepy. You accidentally stumble into furniture and walls you did not see. 

This world is a dark place. Sin abounds. Evil is everywhere. In all of this gulf of darkness Jesus calls us to be lights in this world. [Matt 5:14-16]. We are called to shine. One thing we know. Light and darkness cannot coexist. Darkness is the absence of light. Let the smallest light shine and it will pierce the darkest place. 

That is what God calls us to do. To shine in the darkest places. David Livingstone did that in Africa. He shone the light of Jesus in areas no white man had ever traversed. He braved savages, lions, jungles, malaria, and a host of other dangers. Livingstone shone in the darkness as he created maps for those who would follow with the gospel after him. He opened up Africa in ways that had not been done before. 

The most famous story about Livingstone is they found him dead in his tent. The natives carefully cut out his heart and buried it in Africa before shipping his body back home to his wife. They knew he loved Africa and wanted part of him buried there as a result. What a testimony. 

We are called to shine in dark places. When you shine alone it may not be much light. If enough followers of Jesus shine in the same place it can transform communities and countries. May we shine through good works so that our Father is glorified and others are drawn to Him. No matter how dark the place is. No matter how remote and removed from God's influence. Our light can pierce the darkness. 

Sailing into the Storm

 There are seasons of life. Seasons when everything is smooth sailing. No health problems. Plenty of finances. Harmony in the family and among friends. Things at work go well. The seas are smooth like glass. The sun is out and the skies are cloudless. 

There are other seasons when clouds turn ominously dark. Streaks of lightening flash across the sky. The winds pick and the waters turn choppy at first and then swell into dangerous waves. Sometimes you have no other choice. There are no alternate routes. You have to sail into the storm. 

That happened with Jesus and the disciples in Mark 4:35-41. They sailed into a dangerous storm. The disciples freaked out. They were terrified and thought they would die. They gave into anxiety and fear. Jesus slept. Two very different approaches to the storm. 

None of us can avoid storms that swirl from time to time. It would be easier not to go through those stormy seasons, but they are common to all of us. Some right now are sailing into a storm. Others are already in the middle of one. Others are coming out on the other side. 

How do you approach these stormy seasons? Do you panic and get overwhelmed with anxiety? Do you stress? Does crippling fears grip you like a vice? I think this is the more natural and common response. 

Do you endure storms in peace as you trust the Lord to see you through. I know many people in the middle of storms right now. Some find peace through prayer and refuge in God. These are the people who trust. They do not doubt. Their storms may be very severe, but they cling to Jesus by faith in the middle of the storm. Their faith is greater than the present storm. 

In that Mark 4 story Jesus stands up and rebukes the storm. He spoke, "Peace be still." Other translations record Him saying, "Hush be quiet." Jesus muzzled the storm. He calmed the raging seas. He brought tranquility to an otherwise chaotic situation.

As you find yourself sailing into your next storm, I hope you will remember the contrast between the disciples' reaction and Jesus' reaction. One brought stress and fear. The other brought peace and rest. Which do you choose? Jesus still has the power to calm storms. Sail on brave ones. You do not enter the storm alone. He will be with you. For those of you in the middle of it now, He is with you. Storms do not last forever. They have a beginning and an ending. Sail on and one day you will get on the other side of the storm in this life or in eternity. 

Monday, January 27, 2025


 I once read that leadership can be defined simply as the ability to influence people. This can be done positively or negatively. Good leaders influence people in uplifting ways and beneficial ways. Bad leaders can influence people in destructive and oppressive ways. 

Leadership can be lonely. The old saying goes, "It's lonely at the top." A lot of people connive and strive to get into leadership positions. They are greedy for power. They long for the prestige. How could that be lonely? It gets lonely when you have to stand alone and make decisions that are best but not everyone agrees with. 

There comes a time when leading forces decisions that are necessary but not always popular. That is the nature of leadership. It requires steely nerves, thick skin, and unwavering resolve to do what is right even if it requires personal sacrifice. This was never more personified than in Jesus. His leadership in doing what was right for the people cost Him His life. [Matt 26]

Many want to lead while caving into peer pressure and political polls. Leaders may upset the status quo from time to time. Leaders may be forced to do unpopular things that will prove beneficial in hindsight. Leading people to war is not always popular but sometimes necessary to protect citizens. 

When the crisis hour comes what will today's leaders choose. This may be the leader of a household. It could be the leader of a civic organization. It may be a leader on a sports team, someone put in charge at work, someone in a church, or the president of a country. All these are put in a position to influence others. In the crisis moment will they make the tough calls? Will they stand firm and lead with conviction or will they cower in fear? 

We need godly leaders who will do what is right, seek God's wisdom, and courageously follow God's counsel. Men like Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, and Paul to name a few. Some people view leaders as people to be served. Nobody was a greater leader than Jesus and He came to serve others and not to be served by them. Jesus humbled Himself taking a towel and washed the disciples' feet in John 13. He spoke hard truth to the religious leaders of the day identifying them as hypocrites in Matthew 23. He lead people to part with some of the rituals and customs of the day. Mark 3. 

This nation needs to follow Jesus' leadership. We need leaders who honor and seek Him first. We need leaders with courage and not gutless cowards. We need leaders who actually care about the people they are leading. Many people have the titles of a leader but fail miserably. May God raise His leaders over this land once again. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Remove the Stone

 The story of Lazarus in John 11:1-45 is fascinating. Lazarus got sick. His sisters Martha and Mary sent a message to Jesus to come and help. Jesus intentionally delayed coming for two extra days. In that time Lazarus died. Jesus showed up and was met by two grieving sisters who said the same thing at two different times. If Jesus had just gotten there in time their brother would not have died. 

Jesus told them He was the resurrection and the life and though people died they would live. He exhorted them to believe. Nobody but the Father and Jesus knew what was about to happen. A glorious miracle. 


Martha immediately commented that removing the stone would release a foul odor of their brother's decomposing body. He had already been dead four days. Removing the stone did not make sense. It was irrational and illogical. Just as much as if I asked you to go dig up the casket of a freshly dug grave. It was not normal. Common sense dictated to leave the stone in place. It was too late to help Lazarus at that point. 

Martha and Mary had a choice. They could have given into to their personal experience. Lazarus died. They had a funeral and buried him. It was all over. Too late. A devastating conclusion. That is what they thought. That is what they saw. Now they had to choose whether to believe what they saw or what Jesus said. 

They did not know what Jesus knew. An epic miracle was about to take place. Before the miracle, they had to take a step of faith and ask that the stone be moved away. Though it did not compute in their minds, they  obeyed the word of Jesus. Slowly the stone was removed. With a loud voice Jesus cried out the now famous words, "Lazarus, come forth." Just three words. The power and authority spoke a miracle. 

The dead man began to move. Lazarus opened his eyes as if awaking from sleep, even though he had been dead for four days. 96 hours Lazarus' body decomposed in the tomb while His soul soared to Heaven. All of that changed with just three words from Jesus. His body was restored. Air filed his lungs again. His heart began to beat again. His pulse quickened. His decaying body was restored. He sat up. Slowly he walked from the tomb still bound in grave clothes. A miracle. Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead!

Many reading this have problems. Some of them are massive. Let me ask you. Is your problem bigger than the one Lazarus faced? If Jesus can help Lazarus arise from death, He can certainly handle whatever problems you are facing. He is bigger and stronger than anything you face. Be encouraged. Believe Him. 

Jesus told Martha and Mary if they believed they would see the glory of God. If they trusted. If they had faith. I am not telling you Jesus will always do exactly what you want Him to do. I am saying that He is capable of doing more than you think He can. Eph 3:20 No matter what impossible situations you are up against believe Jesus. When he calls you to remove the stone do not hesitate. Even if it makes you look ridiculous. Even if people misunderstand you and judge you. Even if nobody believes with you go ahead and remove the stone. You never know what miracle might be on the other side. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Anger of Men

I just got off the phone with a man who was spitting mad. Not at me. He was mad at a person who defrauded him out thousands of dollars. He confronted the man at work and the accused just smiled at him smugly. The man who called me wanted to fight. Wisdom prevailed and he opted to turn the other cheek. He called me to vent and ask what he should do. He wanted to take the guy to court to get his money back. 

I offered some scripture. [James 1:19-20] This you know my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. 

Like so many other verses, they are easier to read than to live. Being quick to hear others and slow to speak takes a lot more than discipline. It takes a supernatural work of God deep in us. The natural response is just the opposite of what scripture calls us to old We are often quick to speak and slow to listen. This can get us into all sorts of trouble. We are also to be slow to anger. The word anger in that verse means impulsive wrath. 

How easy it is to get angry at other people. We are wronged, disrespected, harmed, belittled, and cheated. This makes us angry impulsively. We naturally want to retaliate. We are suppose to keep anger in check. To throttle it back. Not to give into our impulses. 

No matter how much we want to retaliate and make people pay it will never produce what we hope it will. God's purposes will not be achieved by losing our tempers, blowing our top, and exploding into rage. God sees all. Nothing escapes His notice. He sees every wrong. Trust Him. Nobody gets away with it. Nobody will escape judgment outside of a saving relationship with Jesus. 

The offender in the story I told is not a Christian. I have witnessed to this man several times. He is a person of low character and will act out that low character repeatedly. His payday will come someday. It may not be until he stands before God in judgment. He will have to give an account for his actions. He will answer for the wrongs he has done. 

It is easy to get angry. It will never bring about the desired results. We trust God to make things right. We trust God for justice in this life and in the afterlife. So we can let go of anger and bitterness. We leave it all in His capable hands. Remember that nobody will get away with it and we will be vindicated. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Not the Author of Confusion

 The ways of God are mysterious as I wrote last week. Sometimes He is hard to understand. He is not the author of confusion. Confusion is a lack of understanding and uncertainty. God certainly never lacks understanding and is never uncertain. That does not mean He always reveals all His understanding and certainties to us. 

I am sure some reading this today are facing much confusion. You just do not understand your circumstances. You certainly are not certain about what God is doing. So how could Paul truthfully write that God is not a God of confusion? [I Cor 14:33] Like so many things in our walks it comes down to trusting Him. 

Trusting Him even when we cannot see what He is doing. Trusting Him when we do not know what to do. Trusting Him when the path is dark, the future is unclear, and circumstances around us are harsh. God knows what He is doing without our input. We do that don't we? We pray about things but in our prayers, we suggest the best ways we think God should work it all out. When He does not do it the way we thought best we end up confused. Our faith is damaged, and we sink into despair. 

Our job is trusting Him. That is easier sometimes rather than other times. According to [John 5:17] God is working. He has always and is always and will continue always working. He is absolutely certain about what He wills to do. What He considers best. We can resist in rebellion. We can submit in surrender to His will. Resisting will lead to confusion. Submission will lead to peace. What will you decide?

I've Got Something Better

 Reluctantly I drove myself to a regular check up with the doctor this morning. I will never understand why the doctors wants us to make appointments and will penalize us if we are late, but they are regularly late to call us back to the examination room and then late in showing up in the room. 

I met a new nurse this morning named Asia. The regular nurse I developed a repour with moved to a different city. It was my first encounter with Asia. I looked for a way to work Jesus into the conversation. She asked my birthdate to pull up my chart on the computer and then started taking vital signs. Oxygen, blood pressure, and temperature. She made the comment that she had not had her coffee yet this morning. Then she said, "I got to have me some coffee in the morning to get me going."

That was my opportunity to speak about Jesus. I responded, "I found something better to get me going in the morning." I left her hanging. She took the bait and asked what it was. I exclaimed, "I get up early and get some Jesus in the morning to get me going." She broke out in a big smile and said, "Yes, Jesus in the morning, Jesus all day, and Jesus at night." 

Jesus is better than coffee to get a person going in the morning. Time alone with Him in conversation and meditation on His word can jump start the most sluggish morning person. I have known many people who have to have coffee in the morning. Without it they are irritable. Likewise, I have met some Christians who are irritable and joyless because they do not crave Jesus in the morning like they crave coffee. 

Meeting with Jesus should be the most important appointment we keep each day. Nothing should be of higher priority. It should be scheduled on our calendars consistently. More important than extra sleep, breakfast, catching the morning weather report, or reading the newspaper. Time with Jesus is most assuredly more important than social media. Jesus is better than all of that. 

Let me exhort you to start your day with Jesus. Okay. Some of you are like Brenda. You choose to start your day with Jesus and coffee! Like clockwork I know that love of my life will wake early and go make her coffee. Then she will open the blinds in the bedroom and sit in her chair. She will get into the scriptures followed by listening to worship music. Jesus gets her going in the morning. He will do the same for you. Even Jesus made time for the Father in the morning. [Mark 1:35] I think we should all follow His example. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Memories Forgotten

 Many things have expiration dates. Like milk. I learned this lesson the hard way. I never concerned myself  with expiration dates on milk cartons. Not until the day I got a swig of sour milk. Totally disgusting. Made my stomach turn. I check the expiration date now and even smell before I pour. Several times the milk has soured BEFORE the expiration date. You will notice on labels, "Best used by this date." This is true for all sorts of things. 

People have expiration dates too. As sad as it is, people die. They expire. What is even sadder, is that many people get forgotten over time. People who once made significant contributions to society. So let's do a brief history test. I will name three people. See if you recall their achievements WITHOUT USING YOUR PHONE! 

Here we go. Edith Wilson. Earnest Lawrence. Lewis Latimer. 

How did you do? Did you get all of them? Two? One? 

Edith Wilson was the second wife and First Lady for President Woodrow Wilson. Earnest Lawrence was a physicist who made significant contributions to the creation of the atom bomb. He did not get the same recognition as Robert Oppenheimer who was better at delivering memorable quotes. Last but not least, Lewis Latimer was hired by Alexander Graham Bell to draft the patent for the telephone. Latimer was so efficient he got the patent turned in just hours before a competitor turned one in. He was hired for a competing company against Thomas Edison working with the light bulb. He perfected the light bulb to burn for days and not just hours. Eventually Edison hired Latimer to come work for him, and he put electric lights in the cities of Philadelphia, New York, and Montreal. 

Most people have forgotten all three of these people. I confess that I never even heard of Edith Wilson or Earnest Lawrence. I had at least heard the name Lewis Latimer but could have not told anything he did. 

Our contributions can be quickly forgotten soon after we expire. We are reminded of this truth in [Ecclesiastes 9:5] It is that much more important that we do things that will matter in eternity. Things that will last beyond us. Through technology I hope to leave some preaching and teaching that lasts long after I am gone. Through books and these blogs I hope to leave a legacy to pass onto others long after my life expires. Life is fleeting. 

It makes me stop and think that maybe I should enjoy the simple things in life more instead of constantly striving to achieve. One day all my body of work will be forgotten. Should Jesus tarry, there could come a day when nobody will remain alive who ever knew me. It keeps me grounded and humble. 

The one comforting thought in all of this is that God remembers. God does not forget His children. God does not forget what things we did for Him that will be rewarded in eternity. May we invest our lives in what really makes an eternal difference and not strive for things that will perish. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

How Do You Describe God

 There are many ways we could describe God. We could say He is loving, merciful, gracious, kind, patient, and mighty. We could also say He is just, a righteous judge, a champion warrior, a defender of the oppressed and an executioner for those who do not know Christ as Savior. All of those would be true. I have something else in mind. Something that probably would not make the top ten descriptions on your list. Maybe not even the top 20. 

God is mysterious. I mean He is difficult to understand, impossible at certain times, and impossible to understand at other times. Many times we are baffled by Him and His ways. We think He is going to act in a certain prescribed way and He does something completely different. We believe He will come through at a certain time on a certain date, and God shows up late by our standards but always on time by His standards. 

He mysteriously heals one person while leaving another to suffer until Heaven. He provides for one need but leaves others to live in lack. He offers the good news to many while some have never heard. He opens doors we thought He would shut and shuts doors we thought He would open. 

God is mysterious. He works in mysterious ways. William Cowper wrote a song titled God Moves In A Mysterious Way a few centuries ago. Providentially Cowper suffered with incurable depression nearly all his adult life, and tried to commit suicide on more than one occasion. He never found lasting relief this side of eternity. Yet, he wrote some beautiful poems and songs that still touch the souls of suffering people. 

We love to ask God our why questions. I personally think those do not offend God. but He is not obligated to answer them. Many times we would not understand anyway. His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours. We would never understand even if He did pull back the curtain and allow us to see what He is  doing. One of the great things about Heaven is it will all make sense. 

Down here there is a lot more trusting. A lot more faith required. A lot more belief even when we cannot see the outcome. It is daily trusting and hoping when all things around look confusing. God is many times mysterious. I could describe Him in many other ways and deservedly so. Today I am thinking about His mysterious nature. Even in the mystery He is still faithful. Mysteriously faithful. [Is 55:8-9]

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Coming Wrath

 Sin is offensive to God. Never mistake the fact that God hates sin to mean that God hates sinners. Just read [Rom 3:22] and [Rom 6:23] to see otherwise. God loved sinners enough to send Jesus to make atonement for people's sin. [Rom 5:8] Don't miss this truth. God's love is beyond description. There is a limit to His love. Should a person spurn His love and offer of forgiveness and repeated help in salvation rejecting the sacrifice of Jesus there is only one fate certain. WRATH! 

Wrath can be defined as extreme anger. The Bible is filled with stories about the love, compassion, mercy, and grace of God. To be honest, there are also stories where God poured out wrath. God is very patient, but He does get angry. He does store up that anger to be poured out in wrath against people who reject Him repeatedly and refuse to obey His laws. 

In the past God has poured out His wrath against individuals like Pharoah in Exodus and against nations like Egypt, Moab and Philistines. His wrath was poured out once on the entire planet and human race in Genesis 6 with a flood. God takes holiness seriously. He also takes sin seriously. Serious enough that He sacrificed His Son to redeem people. 

A holy God has to deal with sin. He would not be just if He turned a blind eye and let people do whatever they wanted. He warned in His word that people are held accountable for their actions. [Heb 9:27] Sin must be punished. That is justice. Even in justice God offers mercy. None of us could ever have lived up to the standards set forth by the Old Testament law. We needed mercy. God had to satisfy His just nature and punish sin while also demonstrating His love and compassion. Jesus satisfied the justice of God by dying for sins. He substituted for us taking what we deserved and offering forgiveness that we did not deserve. [II Cor 5:21]

No matter how many warnings God offered in the past and is still offering today, there are many who ignore and brazenly bull their neck and stubbornly do whatever they want. For such people I write again that wrath is coming. I plead with you to wake up and turn your life over to Jesus pleading for His mercy and forgiveness. For any who do not listen, there will be a pay day someday. A day when God calls people to account and passes the sentence of condemnation in His wrath. I don't want to see people get caught up in the coming wrath. [Col 3:5-6]

The Silence of God

 There are times when God speaks as loud as thunder. There are times when He speaks in a still small voice. There are other times when He is silent. It is these silent periods that trouble us so much. Let me say this up front and emphatically. Never interpret the silence of God for His absence. 

For over 400 years the Israelites endured Egyptian slavery. One generation after another cried out for God to deliver them. God was silent. He did not explain what He was doing. He did not offer words of comfort and hope that are recorded in scripture. There was the promise given to Abraham in [Gen 15:1-6]. The promise that his descendants, which would become the nation of Israel, would be more numerous than the stars. 

400 years is a long time to wait. It is a long time to cry out to God for help and yet the help did not come. It is very long time to ask God what He was doing and why the continued delay and prolonged bondage. God did not answer. He remained silent. That does not mean that He was not working. 

Read [Ex 1:1-7]. Especially focus on verse seven. When Jacob's descendants came to Egypt under Joseph's protection there were 70 people in all. Look at verse seven. They were fruitful. They multiplied. They increased greatly. They became mighty and the land was filled with them. So much so that it frightened the new Pharaoh because he could see them growing in numbers. 

God kept His promise, and they did not even recognize it. All they focused on was their misery from the bondage. They could not see that God was growing a nation. I wonder if we do the same thing. When God is silent, and circumstances are not what we wished they were, do we interpret that to mean that He does not care and is not working? I know I have certainly done that in the past. I still do it from time to time presently. 

For several days I have not received any fresh word from God in my devotions. I read His word, use a devotion book, and sit still before Him. He remains silent. I know from experience that He is still working when I do not hear Him. I don't know what He is doing. At times it is very confusing. I still believe He is working His purposes just like He did with Israel. 

Let me encourage you again not to interpret God's silence as His absence. He cares. He is working in ways we cannot see. Behind the scenes He is orchestrating circumstances to accomplish His will. We may have to wait a while for His will to come to fruition. In the meantime, I encourage all of us to quit focusing on His silence and what we do not see Him doing. Look closer right under our noses to see what He is doing. Sometimes His plans can be accomplished in a matter of moments like choosing the disciples. Other times His plans might take centuries to unfold. His silence does not mean He does not care, nor does it mean that He is not active. It really comes down to trust even in the silence. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Vomit is not a pleasant sight or smell. Some people gag and their stomach turns at the sight or sound of vomit. It can be described in phrases like blowing chunks, puke, or gergertate. 

In Rev 3:15-16 Jesus chastises the church at Laodicea for not being cold or hot, but for being lukewarm. He said He would spit such people out of His mouth. A better way to put it is that He will vomit such people out of His mouth. Lukewarm people may Him nauseatedly sick to His stomach. 

This is sad because churches are filled with lukewarm members. Many lukewarm preachers fill the pulpits Sunday after Sunday. Lukewarm worship leaders lead singing. Lukewarm teachers instruct small groups. Tepid followers of Jesus sit apathetically listening to ice cold sermons delivered professionally but not passionately by lukewarm pastors in some cases. 

When I consider all that we do as Christians in our gatherings, and that much of it sickens Jesus, it is a sobering thought. Sad. Repentance is in order. That is the exact message Jesus gave to the Laodicea church. It is a message needed for the church age today. 

I heard a person involved on the worship team of a church say recently how people sit stone faced on Sundays refusing to sing. That does not sound like something Jesus smiles on. He wants His people to love Him first and foremost. He wants His people to passionately seek Him. He wants His people to live with fire in their hearts and a burning in their souls. A fire that cannot be quenched by circumstances or persecution. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 Satan is relentless. He doesn't take naps or days off. He is constantly opposing God, stealing what is not his, killing, and destroying. [Jn 10:10] It can wear down a person's resolve. The constant attacks. The constant temptations people give into that hurt others as well as themselves. He connives in his ways through demon attacks into people's minds. He can destroy the psyche of a person causing them to die from self-inflicted wounds. 

No soldier in active service comes out unscathed. We all have a few war wounds. It is a war that we are in. The enemy relentlessly attacks us personally, our families, friends, churches, schools, communities and even countries. We must remain on vigilant alert. He works in stealth. Coming as a thief. He blindsides people. He knows from experience just where people are most vulnerable to temptation. 

While the enemy works tirelessly to destroy the church sleeps. Christians watch as the enemy pillages and plunders society right before our eyes. Little is done to oppose him. We gather in our holy huddles for  more religious gatherings that do not make much difference.  It doesn't seem much changes. We are told to resist him. [James 4:7-8]. To withstand his wicked schemes. [Eph 6:10-12].

We must resolve to be relentless in our service to God. There are two things that are like dropping nuclear bombs on the kingdom of darkness. Two things that make a huge difference. Prayer and evangelism. It is interesting these are two things the church does not excel in doing. It makes perfect sense that the devil does not want churches praying or evangelizing. We are kept busy with less important things. Things that really do not have lasting eternal value. Prayer and evangelism make a huge difference. 

In 2025 let us resolve to be more faithful in prayer and sharing the love of Jesus with people we come in contact with. May we be just as relentless in these ministries as the devil is in attacking Christians and deceiving people into hell. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Coming Storm

 A winter storm is coming to North Central Texas later tonight. People are in a tizzy over it. Grocery store shelves are empty. People are in a panic. They are glued to their televisions to stay updated. Forecasters are advising people not to drive unless absolutely necessary. Dangerous accumulations are possible. You can't say we haven't been warned. We most certainly have been. 

That is not the coming storm I have on my mind this afternoon. I'm thinking of another soon coming storm. The one that the return of Jesus and rapture of the church will initiate. It is a seven-year period referred to as the Great Tribulation. Seven years of the pounding judgments of God pummeling planet Earth. The judgments will escalate in greater intensity as the tribulation period goes along. 

What will happen? Mass casualties. Depletion of drinking water and food supplies. Intensifying heat from the sun. Periods of prolonged darkness. Crippling attacks from locust-like creatures sent by God to inflict suffering on non-believers. The rise of the Anti-Christ. He will oppose God completely and institute a one world government, one world economy, and one world religion. He will demand that people worship Him. Christians who hold to their faith will be executed. 

The world will descend into chaos and debauchery. The masses will feign over the Beast also known as the Anti-Christ. Tribulation saints will be hunted down and killed. I cannot even describe the incredible suffering coming with this storm. The date is already fixed for the return of Jesus and the rapture of the church. Nobody knows the date but God the Father alone. [Matt 24:36] 

Jesus predicted that we would know the season of His return. He did not give us a date. It certainly appears we are living in the last days. It is easy to forget about that amidst all the concerns of modern society. The Gospels serve as an action weather alert warning of a coming stone. The storm cannot be altered. The course is set. Things are already set in motion. The clock is ticking toward a climatic finale. It is wait and see now. 

I hope you are ready. That you have made spiritual preparations. Trusting Jesus as your personal Savior is tantamount. Cheap religious substitutes will not suffice. Only a real salvation relationship with Jesus will include you in the rapture. This is not only vital for you but also for all you love. There is no other way to the Father except through Jesus. [Jn 14:6] The storm is coming. Don't get caught unaware. Jesus warned people to be alert for we will not know the hour that He comes. [Matt 24:42]

Please Speak

 I Samuel 3 is a favorite passage of mine. In that chapter the boy Samuel hears a voice calling for him. He thinks it is the priest and mentor calling for him. Samuel throws back the covers and makes his way to Eli the priest. Eli informs him that he did not call. The same thing happens a second time and then a third time. 

At this point Eli discerned that maybe God was speaking to Samuel. Eli told Samuel if he heard the voice again to respond saying, "Speak LORD for your servant is listening." [I Sam 3:9]. He did and God spoke to the lad. It was a harsh prophetic word about Eli and his sons. 

I read that passage this morning. I immediately set aside time to listen. I failed to discern His voice because I could not get my mind to be still. It raced from one random topic to the next. Very frustrating that even though I was in a quiet place in total isolation I could not slow my mind to focus on listening. 

Something dawned on me today. Samuel did not initiate the encounter. God did. God spoke to Samuel. He came to Samuel. He reached out to the young man.  He had something to communicate to the young soon to be prophet. God prompted the whole encounter. With that I relaxed. I contented myself knowing that when God has something to reveal to me and when the time is right, He will speak. My task is to live with a listening attitude at all times. 

When I look back over the past when God wanted to speak something to me, He revealed it clearly. I have written many times that the most prominent and consistent way God speaks to me is through His word. I have multiple passages highlighted and underlined in my Bible representing a significant God encounter. There is [Matt 16:24] I prayed over at a prayer garden in Glenrose, TX where I promised God I would go anywhere, to do anything, at anytime. There are [Matt 9:36] and [Rom 12:1] God used to call me to FBC Seminole as pastor.  There are [Luke 18:28-30] and [Ps 37:4] God used to lead us in purchasing our first home by faith. There is [I Thess 5:24] God spoke when I held my first "Shake the City Crusade" in Hudson, TX and I was having second doubts. God used [Deut 1:8,21] when He called Brenda and I to FBC Paradise. In recent days God has used [Is 6:8] and [Acts 16:9-10]. Not sure what those verses mean just yet, but I trust God will clarify in His good time. Most of these blogs are born out of my times with the LORD each morning. 

I love the fact that God speaks to us. Sometimes He speaks words of comfort and consolation. There are times we need Him to chastise us. There are words given for direction. There are also words shared for hope and expectancy for the future. God speaks about all sorts of things. I have learned that God speaks in many ways. 

Brenda and I were driving back home the other day when we were stopped at the signal near Chic-Fil-A. In the lane next to us was a tractor trailer with the big words written on the back door, "ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME." I could hardly believe my eyes. Many years ago, He spoke to me through a song titled "I Will Trust You" by Dennis Jernigan. Another time He spoke to me through a recorded message about faith by Bruce Wilkerson that I count as one of the most impactful messages of my life. There are other times when His speaking is like a soft impression in my mind. On a few occasions I believe He has even spoken to me in dreams. 

He is creative in the ways He speaks. That is not the most important thing to me. The fact that He does speak is the important thing. He delights to communicate with His children. I hope we long to listen. Listening should be a top priority in our prayer times. We can easily rush through prayer so quickly that we neglect to take the time to listen. His voice is the sweetest voice I know. 

May we pray Samuel's prayer repeatedly throughout our lives. Speak LORD for your servants are listening. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Definition of Prayer

 There are many synonyms for prayer. Petitions. Supplications. Requests. Intercessions. Prayer is when a person asks God for His divine intervention and help in a situation. That is not the definition I had in mind today for prayer. That is just one I made up. I found a far simpler one in the Bible. So simple everyone can easily remember it. It comes in the form of an illustration. 

Hannah is not a prominent figure in the Bible. She plays a small role. She does set an example of what genuine prayer looks like. In the account about her in [I Samuel 1:1-28] we read her story. She was married to a man name Elkanah. Unfortunately, he had another wife also named Peninah. Peninah had children but Hannah remained barren. This brought untold misery to Hannah. 

Yearly they traveled to Shiloh to offer sacrifices and worship. Elkanah gave Hannah twice what he gave his other wife to offer the LORD. The priest watched Hannah pray and supposed she was drunk because of the way she was acting. He confronted Hannah. In her defense Hannah gives the best definition of prayer I've read anywhere. 

She answered Eli, "No my Lord, I am a woman oppressed in spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have poured out my soul before the LORD." [I Sam 1:15]

Praying is pouring our souls out to God. Think about pouring liquid out of a container and you get an idea what pouring our souls before God will look like. Hannah carried a burden of being childless. This is what she poured out before the Lord. All the pain of disappointment, all the desire, all the desperation in such anguish Eli actually thought she was intoxicated. 

I'm sure some reading this are carrying your own burdens, and you are also oppressed in spirit. Pouring your soul out may not look very dignified. In her deep distress Hannah wept bitterly. Not a pretty picture. I am sure uncomfortable to watch. Hannah did not care what others thought about her actions. She poured out everything inside her offering it to the LORD. 

A couple of decades ago Brenda and I were in a very rough stretch of ministry. The church we served was declining. The offerings were so small no stead salary could be offered. We were both discouraged. I was invited to teach at a youth camp of several hundred students. One night during the worship service I felt so distressed and oppressed in spirit I could not hold it in. I got on my face and did what Hannah did. I poured out my soul before the LORD. It did not take long before the tears started flowing. Not to gross you out, but soon the snot started running out of nose. A puddle of tears and mucus formed on the spot where I prostrated myself. It was clearly visible to others as they walked by. One godly woman commented what a beautiful sight it was. Not physically but spiritually. That puddle represented a significant prayer encounter with the LORD. 

Prayer can be defined as pouring your soul before the LORD. Now the question is do you pray like that? Do you mouth religious phrases and repetitions or do you pour your soul into it. Hannah got what she asked God for in a son named Samuel. Samuel grew up to be a great prophet in Israel. Samuel did not come without some importunate travailing. Many times, the answers to prayer are delayed until great anguish is expended in prayer. Perhaps you will also get your requests if you pray with an emptied soul and not a mouth of religious verbiage. May His answers glorify His magnificent name. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Choose This Day

 I have not forgotten from all the Lord delivered me. My family was dysfunctional. On my father's side there was incest, sexual abuse, physical abuse, rape, alcoholism, adultery, and suicide. On my mother's side there was alcoholism, sexual abuse, abortion, and cover ups. I was surrounded by the sewage of sin. I had no hope of escape. No hope until the day Jesus reached down and lifted me from the filth and brought me into the faith. 

When I write that Jesus rescued me in October of 1983 when I heard the gospel, I don't think many of you can understand. I knew my life was heading for destruction. Sure, I was driven through football to go to college, and I had other career goals. I think all of that would have been derailed by my depravity. Sin would have wrecked my life just like I saw it wreck so many in my family. I have a brother still battling alcoholism. Others are still caught in sexual immorality. 

Jesus did more than just rescue me. He gave me a whole new life. Everything changed that October night in 1983 when I was introduced to Jesus. I owe Jesus my wonderful wife of 33 years, four sons who have brought more joy to me than I can put into words, a clear calling and purpose in pastoral and preaching ministries, and a wealth of friendships I would never had without Jesus. I owe Him everything. 

These are the thoughts that rattle around in my mind when I consider where I could have ended up in the ash heaps of broken dreams, bitterness, sin, and debauchery. When I read [Joshua 24:15] I am reminded of where I came from. Why would I not daily choose to serve Jesus unashamedly? Jesus is the head of this home. Bible verses are on nearly every wall in the house. Stacked next to me to my left on this desk in the house are multiple copies of the Bible. Stacked behind my computer are several books on topics like the church, prayer, living Christlike, when God doesn't make sense, navigating change in ministry, and many others. 

I choose Jesus today. I pray for the passionate pursuit to choose Jesus every day. Day in and day out. To choose Him and to guide my family to choose Him. While I live, I want to constantly point other people to Him like the dozens of lost people who attended a funeral I recently preached. While I live, I want my life to be about Jesus. That is my only purpose for existing. When I die that will be gain to me. [Phil 1:21]. 

I choose Jesus today and hopefully every day. I am well aware Satan prowls like a lion waiting to devour. [I Pet 5:8]. I am also aware that sin is crouching at the door. [Gen 4:7] My flesh is still my greatest battle. [Gal 5:17] I pray for God to crucify that flesh, so Jesus lives through me. [Gal 2:20] I choose Jesus because of what He has done for me. I only wish I could do more for Him. Not in repayment but as an act gratitude and worship. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Working to Retire

 I read two passages in the Bible that convince me God never meant for us to retire. In [Joshua 13:1] God told Joshua, even though he was old and advanced in years, that there was still much of the land that had not been possessed. I interpret that to mean God still had work for Joshua to do in his old age. 

In [Joshua 14:10-12] Caleb wants to undertake the difficult assignment of taking an inhabited mountain though he was 85 years old. He boasts that he was as strong at 85 as he was when he was 40. He did not use his old age as an excuse to take it easy and shrink away from challenges. 

These passages hit home with me today. At 58 society tells me that I am nearing the age of retirement. I do not even accept mail from the AARP. I throw it in the trash. I have no intentions of joining that group because I never plan to retire. I love my work. I love the solitary hours spent in prayer and study of scripture. I love the delivery of those messages. I love to shepherd the flock. I love the relational bonding that takes place between a pastor and a flock. I love to write. I love to cast vision and lead people toward the accomplishment of goals. I certainly love seeing people saved and celebrating that new birth at baptism. 

I got curious this morning where the whole idea of retirement originated. I was surprised to learn it dates back to 1935 in response to the Great Depression and the fact that Germany instituted people retiring at the age of 65. The idea of retirement was part of the Social Security Act of 1935. 

Things have evolved now where people can elect to take early retirement at 62. This fascinated when I considered the average life span for people in America is 77. What do people do with 15 years at the end of their lives? Some have positioned themselves financially to be able to travel. Others take up golf. Groups enjoy an active social scene with other seniors. Sadly, some survive their waning years alone, anxious, and afraid. There are some who devote themselves to volunteer work in retirement. 

I know a couple who moved to Honduras to do missions work after retiring. I know of a retired pastor who still preaches every Sunday as an interim pastor at 90. My pastor, in my hometown, retired from my home church where he served for 34 years. He began interim pastoral work. A church wanted him to stay and at 80 he still shepherds the flock. I heard the story yesterday of a pastor in Odessa who has served his congregation for 60 years and he is 80. David Jeremiah is 83 and still going strong writing books and preaching. Chuck Swindoll is 90 and has retired from pastoral ministry, but he still heads up Insight For Living. John MacArthur is 85 and still going. 

God never intended for us to squander the last dozen or more years of our lives playing. There is much Kingdom of God work to do. Souls to be saved. People to disciple. Missions work to be pioneered. Churches to plant. Ministries within the local church where to serve. 

I am not even considering retirement at 58. Like Caleb, I still think I have some fuel in the tank. I pray that God will invigorate me with power to be more effective in the last years of my ministry than in all the previous years. I asked God for physical and mental health to keep shepherding the flock faithfully. I hope to see 65 come and go without blinking an eye. If the time comes when I am no longer physically or mentally able to shepherd a church and my sons put me in a retirement home, I plan on taking over the preaching duties in that facility. I hope to keep expounding the word of God and helping people until God calls me home. 

I love my work. Some people work to retire. My retirement will be heaven. Until then, there are still things to be done. May God strengthen me to do my part in my little corner of the world for a long time to come. 

Sun Stand Still

 I am a fan of bold praying. I believe in a big God who can and is willing to do big things in response to big bold praying. I see that displayed in both scripture and history. I have also experienced it in my own life and ministry. 

Joshua prayed a big bold prayer in [Joshua 10:12-13] that God answered in big fashion. Let me set the backdrop. Israel was in the middle of possessing the promised land. They saw God deliver Jericho and Ai into their hands. Word got out among the surrounding nations. Several kings united to come against Israel at one time. God helped Israel defeat these nations with the sword and in another dramatic fashion. He cast down large hail stones on the enemy troops. Scripture reports that more died from the hail stones than the sword. 

 This is when Joshua prayed a bold prayer. "Sun stand still." I honestly do not know which impresses me most. The fact that Joshua even entertained such a thought is bewildering to me. That had never happened before. How did it even enter his mind to ask for such a far fetched thing like that? It was totally irrational. Maybe God birthed the thought in Joshua's imagination. Who prays for the sun to stand still so the battle can be won? To even utter such a prayer seems outlandish. Not outlandish is God planted the seed of the thought in Joshua. God does that. Plants seeds in our imagination of things to believe Him for. 

The other impressive thing is that Joshua had faith to believe that God would answer. Think about this. Joshua actually asked and believed that God would alter the natural course of the earth's orbit around the sun. He asked God for something supernatural. He didn't just ask for it, he also believed for it. 

God answered. the Bible informs us in [Joshua 10:13] that the sun did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. Are you kidding me. Joshua offers up this shot in the dark prayer for God to do something that had never been done before. He asks in childlike faith. GOD ANSWERS! We learn in verse 14 there had never been a day before like that day or since that day. 

What is your big bold sun stand still prayer? I have my list. I will only share one of them. A couple of months ago Brenda started asking God for the ability to give a certain person $2,000. I joined her in that prayer. In subsequent weeks the list of those we felt impressed to give money to increased. At present we are boldly praying for the opportunity to give away $10,000 to seven different people. We have never been in a financial position to do that. That is a sun stand still prayer for us. 

A few weeks ago that prayer changed for me. It was born out of my time with the Lord. I prayed through a prayer promise one morning and then I changed the prayer from asking God for $10,000 to give away to asking God for the ability to give away...$1,000,000 before we die. Talk about a sun stand still prayer. I told Brenda to start keeping account of how much we give away from this day forward. We started with an anonymous $150 gift to a person in need. 

I am not motivated by money. Money has never been the determining factor where we have served God. We go where He leads and trust Him to meet our needs. He has done that faithfully for decades. I find myself praying a bold sun stand still prayer these days. I started asking God to build wealth for Brenda and I to be given away. I am not asking God for riches to pad our pockets to live luxuriously. I want the greater opportunity to give to Kingdom causes in a way beyond our natural ability. We want more money to give away more money rather than to finance our selfish wants. 

I know I know. Some of you will read this and think I am crazy. I agree. Crazy like Joshua. Crazy enough to entertain the thought and to muster up mustard seed faith to believe nothing is impossible with God. [Matt 17:20] A mustard seed is very tiny. Surely God can build that kind of faith in me to believe Him for the opportunity to financially support Kingdom of God causes that we have never been able to do in the past. That is my sun stand still prayer. What is yours?

Friday, January 3, 2025


 We celebrate great achievements in society. Right now, the college football playoffs are happening to crown the great champion team of this season. Greatness is celebrated in literary achievements, entertainment industry, business success, and in military leadership. 

Some people seem born with greatness. Albert Einstein, the Wright brothers, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, John Wayne, Donald Trump, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr and Theodore Roosevelt. The same can be said for Elizabeth Taylor, Doris Day, Katherine Hepburn, Jackie Joyner Kersee, Reba McEntire, Faith Hill, Martha Stewart, Dianne Sawyers and Simone Biles. 

Some people work hard for greatness like Tom Brady and Katie Ledecky. Others were born with a talent level far above others around them. Carl Lewis could run faster and jump further in his day. Jesse Ownes could run faster and jump further in his day. Loretta Lynn could sing better than most and so could Aretha Franklin. 

None of those things are what I am chewing on today. I'm thinking about being great for God. Before I go any further, I am not talking about seeking great things personally. My meditation is on living so surrendered to God and filled with faith that God does great things through otherwise average people. I believe this is Biblical. Read [I Cor 1:26-29]. In this passage we learn that God chooses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. He also chooses the weak vessels to shame the strong ones. God does this so that nobody can boast before Him. 

Sandi Patti and Amy Grant have great voices. Those voices are gifts from God placed on ordinary people. God used uneducated people like D.L. Moody and Vance Havner to do great things. He did the same thing through Jackie Pullinger and Lottie Moon. God has never looked at ability first when choosing servants for select assignments. God looks for availability. He chose Abraham and Sarah. He chose Joseph and Mary. Just available servants. He wants to choose you too. 

Great can be defined as considerably above normal. How many people are really born great. Most of us are born pretty average. God can work great things that are above average through us. Great can also mean remarkable in magnitude. How do you explain people like Billy Graham, Greg Laurie, Amy Carmichael, or Fanny Crosby. All of these were normal average believers who have been used in extraordinary ways. God chose them for special assignments. Great really has nothing to do with the size of the assignment. It has everything to do with being used by God to accomplish His purposes where He chooses to plant you. 

All of us have the potential to do outstanding things for God. George Muller fed and housed orphans by faith. Susannah Wesley trained a house full of children to make a difference for God. Evan Roberts prayed in the coal mines and sparked a revival that swept his nation and spread around the world. Beth Moore has written life changing Bible studies that have impacted millions of women. 

God chooses our assignment. After that we must fully surrender to Him and allow Him to work great things where we are. To be a great mom, a great teacher, a great attorney, a great coach, a great businesswoman, a great law enforcement officer, a great solider, a great physician, a great salesman, a great construction worker, or a great farmer. God help all of us to be great at something. To leave a legacy and leave a great impact. 

If you consider yourself ordinary and average, you are the very candidate God is looking for. You don't have to be born with great intellect, great talent, or great abilities. You serve a great God who can do great things through people yielded to Him. God may define and measure greatness in different terms than we do. You may not be the most accomplished or the richest, but you can still be great in your devotion and service to God. At the Judgment Seat of Christ [I Cor 3:10-15] that kind of greatness will stand up to the fire. May we live to be great and do great things through God who enables us. All for His glory. [Matt 5:16]

The Fate of 36

 Secret sin is nothing new. Recent headlines report scandalous sin in churches and religious organizations. Shameful deeds done in secret have been exposed publicly. The reproach brought on Christianity is incalculable. Once highly respected ministers have been publicly humiliated as their private sins became public. 

This is nothing new. You can go all the way back to Genesis 3 and 4 and see the origins of secret sins. Fast forward several hundred years to the book of Joshua. [Joshua 7:19-21]. When God commanded that Joshua lead Israel to defeat Jericho He gave strict orders not to take any contraband. One man violated that command secretly. Nobody knew. 

Achan stole a cloak, some silver and a bar of gold weighing about a pound and a half. He snuck those things into his tent and hid them. Nobody knew. NOBODY BUT GOD! He saw all of it. Joshua was not aware nor any of the fighting men. We are not even sure if Ache's family knew about his disobedience. 

When it came time to attack the smaller city of Ai, the Israeli troops were confident. So confident they convinced Joshua to only send a small fighting force. They expected God to help and therefore, to win another victory. They were defeated causing them to retreat. Not before 36 men lost their lives. All because of the secret sin of one man. 

Don't be fooled. Some argue that their own private choices are not hurting anyone but themselves. That is a lie. Secret sins impact a lot of other people. 36 men died because of the secret sin of one man. That impacted their families as well as the whole army when they suffered defeat because of the selfish sinful choices of one covetous man. Secret sins of pastors hurt the pastor's family, the victim's family, the congregations they serve, and others who may have benefited from the pastor's ministry. The secret sins of spouses hurt the other spouse as well as the children and extended family. 

There are consequences for sin. God will not be mocked. [Gal 6:7-8] We reap what we sow. If we so deeds to the flesh we reap destruction. It is so sad to see people fall because of secret sin. These secret sins are getting exposed on the larger ministry platforms right and left lately. Sexual abuse, adultery, corruption, deceit, and financial improprieties are rampant. 

The sin of coveting in Achan's life was so shortsighted. He did not even get to enjoy what he stole. God brought the sin to public knowledge and it cost Achan and his family their lives. Justice was harsh in the Old Testament and swift. It was meant to be a reminder to the rest of the nation to obey God. 

Sadly, many people appear to get away with shameful secrets these days. I assure you it is only an illusion. God knows all. There will be a day of accounting. God will make things right in the end. Justice will be served. I hope we all take sin more seriously. I hope we all are determined to walk in holiness. [I Pet 1:15-16] To prayerfully not surrender to secret sin. May we fall so in love with God that it causes us to hate sin just like He does. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Capacity to Love

 Read Deuteronomy 6:5 for yourself. A challenge is issued here in the Old Testament that Jesus refers back to in Matt 22:37. It is really simple. Simple to understand. More difficult to obey. 

Love the LORD your God. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was He chose this one. Love the LORD your God. He went further. The challenge is to love God with all our heart. Every part of it. We are not supposed to love anyone or anything more than God. This command is broken all the time. People love family more than God. People love pets more than they love for God. People have greater affection for adulterous relations than for God. People can even treasure possessions and money more than they love and treasure God. Let's be honest. People love their favorite sports teams more than God. Do you see the zeal for the winning team and the heartbreak for the losing fans?

What does loving God with all your heart look like? It means that a person will have more affection for God than any other person. That includes parents, siblings, spouse, children, grandparents, and friends. Let that sink in. Take an honest look. Do you love any person more than you love God. You will find the answer partly in looking at whom you think about the most, want to spend the most time with, enjoy the most, and are the most fond of. NOBODY is supposed to get more of our affections than GOD, YAHWEH, JEHOVAH, ELOHIM. 

I prayed this morning for God to enlarge my capacity to love Him more. I know there is more room. There are opportunities to love Him more. One of those things is to learn more of Him. That is the way I learned to love Brenda. I spent time getting to know her. The more I learned about her the more I loved her. Now after 33 years of marriage, I know her more and love her infinitely more than I did when I married her on June 29, 1991. 

It stands to reason if we are ever going to love God more, we must spend time with Him learning more about Him and more of Him. In those God encounters we grow in our capacity to love Him more. 

Let me illustrate. On the night before our second son Tanner was born, I had a little private moment with our oldest son Taylor. Taylor was staying the night with my mother so Brenda and I could get up early to be at the hospital the next morning. Taylor was on our bed while I knelt on the floor next to him. I prayed silently, "God, how can I ever love another child as much as I love my son? It does not seem possible that I can ever love another child the way I love Taylor." 

Maybe I am the only parent who has ever prayed something like that. What I did not know then but do now, is that God creates and carves out new capacities to love. The moment I held Tanner in my arms instantaneously there was love every bit as equal as the love I have for his older brother. That has not changed. God created additional capacities for brothers Tucker and Turner as well. 

If God can do that for human relationships I am convinced He can also do that with our relationship with Him. To love God not just with all our hearts. Also, to love Him with all of our soul, mind and strength. I am resolved to love Him more in 2025 than I did in 2024. I trust He will enlarge my capacity to love Him. Will you do the same?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Possess is an action word. It means to take ownership. To seize something. As the brand spanking new year unfolds, the word I am focusing on for the year is possess. To prayerfully possess everything God is putting out there for my family and the church I serve. 

Possession is not a passive wait and see what happens attitude. It is an aggressive approach to life and ministry. There are things to possess for my family. Things to possess for the Kingdom of God. There are a bunch of unknowns going into the next 365 days. We do not even know if we will make the entire year. Jesus could return and rapture His church. Should He tarry there are things dangling out there just within reach if we pray boldly, obey God promptly, and refuse to be intimidated by the odds. 

Possess is a mindset. It is an attitude. Possessing requires faith and action. It requires bold praying, prompt obeying, and fearless faith not intimidated by impossible odds. Too often believers take a sit back and see what happens mentality. They live life in neutral instead of drive. They stand still idling their faith but never pressing the accelerator. Louie Giglio who is a pastor and author once said, "If you make one mistake let it be that you ask God for too much instead of not enough." I LOVE THAT! That is the way to live daily. 

There are family members to be claimed for Jesus. There are prodigals to be reclaimed for the Lord. There are revivals to plead for in the nation. There are people in bondage who need to be delivered. There are missions work to be undertaken. There are steps of faith to be taken resulting in mighty acts of God. Possess. That is my word for the year. What is yours? Seek God for a word to set the tone for you spiritually throughout the year.