Saturday, August 3, 2024

Look at God

 Brenda has not worked since July 9. We knew this would be a challenging season financially. We determined from the beginning we would not say a word to anyone outside our immediate family. We prayed and left it with God. I knew God would come through. He has in the past. He knew our situation. I had perfect peace.

We checked our mailbox and our P.O. Box regularly hoping for God's provision. Our monthly income was nearly cut in half. We tightened our belts at home, we we were blessed with Spring Creek people and Pinnacle Christian School people bringing us meals for several weeks. That certainly helped. As the days ticked by and turned into weeks, the needed provision did not come. I did not doubt. It was a test and one that I was determined to pass. So, I kept asking and resting in the assurance that He has the cattle on a thousand hills. [Ps 50:10]

Two weeks ago on a Wednesday night, I was dropped my Bible in the office after teaching our mid-week service. I saw something on my desk. A $100 was sitting there. I rejoiced. LOOK AT GOD! I thanked Him and showed Brenda when I got home. We knew that would help, but it would not see us through. 

A few days later a check arrived in the mail. I did not see the amount. Brenda said, "Now we can pay Tanner's rent." LOOK AT GOD. The check had to be for at least $300. 

We kept praying. I kept checking the mailboxes in both locations day after day and nothing. Days turned into a week. We kept believing and asking. I reminded Brenda that God would come through. We still did not communicate our needs to anyone. We did not need to do so. We have learned for decades that God hears prayer. He knows what we need. He is perfectly able to get His provision to us when it most glorifies Him, most strengthens our faith, and when the time is right. [Eph 3:20] I have spent decades preaching and writing about this. I started thanking God for the next opportunity I would have to testify about what He did and glorify. That opportunity is today. 

This past Wednesday night we enjoyed another Bible study as we work our way through the Gospel of John. I went around the building turning lights and a/c units off when I ran into our treasurer. He stopped and handed me an envelope. We talked for a few moments and went about our business. I finished my task and went home. Inside the envelope was a check for $1,000! On the notification line it simply read, "Gift." LOOK AT GOD! For the third time He provided for us in an unusual way. LOOK AT WHAT GOD DONE DONE. I know that is not grammatically correct, but you get the picture. 

Brenda and I have decades of such stories pointing people to God, encouraging them that God answers prayer. Nobody but our sons and God knew our need. We determined not to complain, not to drop hints, not to walk around gloomy, not to try and take matters into our own hands, but to let go and let God work. He did. so in marvelous fashion. He will continue to do so. This was the test I wrote about weeks ago, but could not elaborate. I had to wait for God to do His God stuff to show that He can do anything. I cannot tell you the immense pleasure and joy it gives me to write this. To testify about another miracle God did for the Edwards family. Those miracles stack up like firewood over the years. People have actually doubted these stories were true. From groceries to gas, from houses to cars, from money to moves of the Spirit, we have watched God do impossible things. Doubters will doubt, but we keep watching God silence them with the weapon of answered prayer. 

The tests are not fun. I used to begrudge them. Now I know that the tests are just the platform to watch God do something amazing. God is not done. Soon and very soon I will get to say again, "LOOK AT GOD!" 

Weary pilgrims. I think part of the purpose God has set for Brenda and I is to endure these hard tests, to pray through them, to experience God's miraculous intervention, so that we can encourage others in their faith journey. It is not about us. Our prayers are no more special than any of yours. Our faith may be a little stronger because it has been tested and proved so many times. Whatever you are going through God knows. He hears you. Trust Him. Persevere until you have your own LOOK AT GOD moment and testimony. [Matt 7:7-8]

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