Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Seeking for Food That Does Not Perish

 In John 6, a group of people desired to take Jesus by force and make Him their king. Jesus withdrew from them perceiving what was in their hearts before they could act on their plan. Jesus knew His purpose and mission and was not swayed by popularity and success. Something that seems to be the downfall of many men of God in recent days. 

Jesus perceived why they were seeking Him. He was not content that the crowds flocked to Him. Some today would have rejoiced because their entire focus is on attracting a crowd. Jesus called those seekers out. He rebuked them for seeking Him for what He could do and not seeking Him for who He was. 

People do the same thing today. In crisis moments, how many cry out to Jesus to help them. They do not want to be saved. They are not interested in Him or His teachings. They have no intentions of becoming one of His followers. They just want what He can do for them. Afterward, most likely they will ignore Him. 

I have chewed on a question today? Why did I come to Jesus? Was it for what He could do for me or was it because of who He was? When I came to Jesus, it was because someone shared the gospel with me and pointed out my hopeless and helpless condition as a sinner condemned to hell. I came to Jesus as Savior and because I needed His help. I realized that fall evening I could never earn my way to heaven. I also understood that my sins were many and I could not atone for them. Only Jesus could do that. He opened my eyes to see the truth and stirred my faith to believe His redemptive work on the cross was for sinners like me. I faced a crisis that night but not a temporary one. I did not come to Jesus for a quick fix. To get me out of a jam so that I could go back to my heathen ways. No, I came for something eternal. Everlasting. Continuing in duration. I came to Jesus for salvation. I think it would be more suited for me to say that Jesus came to me. He sent a local youth minister named Eli Bernard to share the gospel with me. The Great Shepherd came seeking after me who was lost. I did not go seeking after Him. He grabbed my attention, had me pay attention to the simple gospel message and gave me faith to believe. 

Many bargain with God. They barter saying if Jesus will heal them or a loved one, if He will rescue them from the consequences of bad choices, they pledge to serve Him. I could not make such an offer. Once my sinfulness was revealed, I had no bargaining chips. I stood condemned in my trespasses. Nothing but the grace and mercy of God could see me through. That is exactly what He gave me. He washed away my sin, took away my guilt, declared me righteous and claimed me as His child. In the twinking of an eye, He changed me. I have not been perfect, but I have been devoted and I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. 

I do not seek Him for food that perishes. Sure, He has answered prayers and showered my family with blessings. That is not what I'm after. I am after Him. I want to know Him. To draw nearer to Him. To pursue Him hard. I long to be in His presence. To please Him in my service. To follow His leadership wherever He leads. Those are eternal things. They are not perishable, but imperishable. Like the old song goes, "I have found a friend in Jesus and He is everything to Me." He will last forever and I plan to enjoy forever. 

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