Tuesday, July 16, 2024

My First Ministry

 I have served as a pastor for 28 years all over the state of Texas. I've experienced the thrill of joyous celebrations of God's movements and heart wrenching sorrows from suffering saints in the flocks. What is my first ministry? Outside of my relationship with God, it is my wife followed closely behind with my children. 

I have been serving in a different ministry these past few days. Brenda had knee replacement surgery on July 10. She has endured the excruciating pain with grit and resolute determination. She has overcome and over achieved in these first initial days of recovery. My ministry has been to her. In the hospital to console and comfort fears. To encourage her as she took her first initial steps. To be her chauffeur. To bring her meals, add fresh ice in her cooling machine, to eat meals in our bedroom together, to gently push her past her comfort level in her rehabilitation exercises and to remind her I love her. I even learned to make her coffee, though I overfilled her cup spilling hot coffee all over my hand. Not my finest moment. Maybe I am becoming one of those baristas. The things we do for love. 

Before I ever was a pastor or even a youth pastor, there was Brenda. That brown eyed beauty stole my heart on the campus of Howard Payne University. We talked about God  and our future together as we strolled around the campus at night. We became not just romantically in love, but we also became best friends. That is still true today 33 years later. We love just being together. It really doesn't matter what we are doing. We enjoy talking, going to the movies, out eating out,, serving Jesus, and I even take one for the team by going shopping. Now, with a new knee she will definitely be able to shop until I drop. 

We just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago. We are still madly in love. So in this season, my priorities have changed. She is my priority. She needs to know I value her above my job, above others, and I want to serve her as I have served others for decades. 

She is fiercely independent. She is a servant who always gives. It is hard for her to receive. The church has rallied our family with meals, cards, and much prayer. They love her. Everyone who knows her loves her. I don't know if I have ever met anyone who did not like my wife. She is one of the most likable people in the world. I saw her ministering to someone at physical therapy yesterday choosing to ignore her pain in order to comfort a lady her grief. I am blessed to get to share life with her. I am also blessed to get to serve her like she has served me for over three decades.  She is my first ministry. I am honored to be her husband first and her pastor second. When God gave me her, He gave me the second greatest blessing of my life next to my salvation. 

Once she gets healed, I will not be able to keep up with her. I better get my stamina level increased. She did so much for others with terrible knees. Devil watch out when she gets mobile again. She is and will always be my first ministry. 

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