Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Feast

 The places were set. The invitations were extended. One by one the guests showed up. Each took their seat at the table waiting for the feast to begin. They made small talk as they waited. Some were old friends. Some were new acquaintances. All were warmly received as they waited to eat. 

At the appointed time, a prayer was offered and the meal was served. Rich, savory, nourishing, and scrumptious to the taste. People all around the table ate until they were satisfied. In the end, there was so much to eat, boat loads were left over saved for another meal. 

The fellowship around the table made the feast all the more enjoyable. Make no mistake. The feast was the central attraction. Some came hungrier than others. All ate to their content. No matter how satisfied each person was when they left, they will get hungry again.

This feast was different. Instead of roast beef, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, green bean casserole, and carrots, different food was placed on the table. A unique meal that some might turn their nose to eating. A delicacy in certain parts of the world. 

Let me set the menu before you. A book. Not just any book. A living and active book. A holy book. To be more specific a section in the book from the Gospel of John and chapter five. An expository study of solid meat from the teachings of Jesus about Himself. The discussion among those in attendance sharpened one another. The truth was like a soul nourishing heart meal. A feast. 

For those who choose to do so, this feast is offered multiple times over around the world. The bountiful feast of studying the scriptures. A feast I love to serve as well as partake in myself. So much to learn and so little time to learn it. The Bible is an inexhaustible source of truth and revelation. The table is set with life changing soul transforming truth that satisfies the hungriest of hearts. It is a feast that surpasses Thanksgiving. I hope you dig in for yourself. [Ps 119:103] [Ps 119:127] [Ps 119:169]

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