Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Test

 God tests us. We read about that in scripture numerous times. He stretches us, moves us beyond our level of comfort, and proves our faith. Do we really trust Him? My own journey of faith has been a roller coaster ride. Euphoric moments of victories and deep dips into doubt and discouragement. I have learned a lot over the years. Tremendous lessons of how to navigate the tests when faith is tried. I have even learned to embrace them, because on the backside of these tests God does His amazing work. 

Brenda and I are right in the middle of one of those tests now. It is not that she is recovering from knee replacement surgery. It is not even the fact that she is facing needing the other knee done as soon as she heals from this surgery. Those are challenges in and of themselves. 

Our current test is different in nature. The particulars are not important. What is important is that God reminded us other other day that He is still working in the form of 100. Again, the specifics are not important. I will soon be able to write in greater detail about it, but not at this time. 

I am thankful that God not only does test us, but that He does not abandon us in the middle of those tests. He comes through for us. He strengthens us as our resolve wanes. He comforts us in our pain and confusion. He sustains us when we are at the end of our resources. He gives us peace when chaos rages all around us. He is our hiding place when we need a place to rest and be refreshed.

I have such peace in our test. I look back on God's faithfulness over and over again in our lives. He will see us through. He will come through. He will step in and save the day. He will make a way. He will move our mountain. He will glorify His name when all is said and done. So I thank Him advance. The answer is on the way. What a day of rejoicing that will be. Until then I pray, I trust, and I rest in His character. He will not fail. May He strengthen Brenda and I to pass the test. Then we will brag on Him for what He does. I see it by faith even now. 

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