Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Bottle in the Ocean

Picture an old Coke bottle thrown into the ocean. It bobs up and down like a cork attached to fishing line on a pole. The bottle is splashed with water inside from time to time, all the while being towed further and further out to sea. The bottle becomes invisible to the naked eye in the vast body of water.  A tiny speck in the great expanse. The bottle may contain a little of the ocean in it, but it does not contain the whole ocean. The ocean does contain the whole bottle. 

That bottle is like a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. We may contain or know a little of Him. He contains and knows all about us. Most of us have a thimble full of knowledge of the Master. We have learned a few historical facts along the way. Like He was born of a virgin and died on a cross. We are aware that He arose on the third day from the grave. That does not mean we really know Him. 

On the other hand, Jesus knows the very number of hairs on our heads. He knows our thoughts. He knows our passions, our secret sins, and what we will say next before a word every comes from our mouth. He knows every single day of the rest of our lives. He knows our insecurities, hopes, dreams, and what revs our motors. He created us and redeemed us. He knows all about us and waits and wants for us to know Him more. It is preponderous that the people of the Lord could ever smugly believe they know all there is to know. 

Knowing Jesus is a lifetime pursuit. There are peaks, crevices, nooks, caves, valleys, ravines, waterfalls, streams in Him worth exploring for all our days. We cannot possibly know all there is to know. We must wake up and realize our knowledge of the Savior is like a bottle floating in the ocean. We may be filled to the capacity, but He can enlarge us to contain more. He can expand our capacity to experience and realize more of Him.  I hope that is what everyone of us wants. More of Him. That is certainly our greatest need. 

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