Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?

 Jesus is fully God. With that means that He is omniscient today as well as when He walked on the earth. Jesus knows and knew all things. This has me pondering why He would choose Judas as one of His disciples. We learn in John 6 that Jesus knew beforehand Judas was going to betray Him. Judas embezzled money from the offerings. He did not believe in Jesus according to John 6 and He betrayed Jesus when He got arrested. 

Why choose such a one to be a disciple. On top of that, why trust him with the offerings as the treasurer? Judas was a man of low character. That seems obvious from reading about him in scripture. Jesus still chose him. Why? It does not make sense. 

Honestly, who would knowingly hire and associate with someone who steals company funds, does not believe in the president or mission of the company, and will stab the president in the back to get ahead financially. Nobody would knowingly do that with good sense. Jesus did. He had to have reasons for such a nonsensical move. 

I believe He did. It was all part of God's sovereign plan to lead Jesus to the cross and not the crown as the earthly king of Israel. God always plans ahead and has purposes for what He does. He always is several steps ahead in the chess match of life. We cannot see what He is up to. 

Jesus had to go to the cross. A person of low character who did not believe in Him would have to betray Him to the Jewish leaders. Judas was such a person. He played a crucial role in the redemptive plan. Jesus chose him to play the exact part he played. We can only see in part. God sees the full picture from creation to the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord always knows what He is doing even when we don't. 

Consider this. If Jesus had a plan for a thief and betrayer, what kind of plans does He have for those who love and trust Him? There is a role you are called to play. It might not be a main character or to play center stage in the plot. That does not mean your role is not important. Jesus had to be betrayed and arrested if Jesus was going to be crucified. 

Our roles are redemptive in God's plan. So be encouraged. You were born with a purpose. [Eph 2:10] spells that out for us. Meditate on that verse and ponder the purpose you were created for. Some of you already know that purpose. Others are still trying to figure that out. I believe God will reveal it if you do not know and seek Him with all your heart. 

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