Thursday, August 15, 2024


 To fixate means to acquire an obsessive attachment to someone. From time to time we hear about people who stalk a celebrity. They fixate on these celebrities so much that they know their movements. It can become creepy and even dangerous if the stalker is not made to respect healthy boundaries. 

Some people fixate on getting married and then many fixate on getting out of the marriage. Others fixate on having children and then resent the intrusion and inconvenience that children bring. 

People can fixate on things. They focus on acquiring an object whether a piece of property or vehicle, it dominates their attention. They can barely think of anything else. Obsessed with getting the object of their desire. Fixating can be very unhealthy. 

People can fixate on achieving a dream. Attaining a certain level of professional success. They put in the extra study, work the long hours, all in an attempt to get a certain position or job title. Athletes do this in their chosen sport. Law enforcement officers may work to climb the ranks in the department as well as military personnel. 

None of those things are on my mind. I am fixated on drawing closer to God. Inching ever closer, drawing ever so nearer, and developing deeper communion. I want to fixate on the subject of knowing God. Some fixations are unhealthy obsessions. Fixating on God is a magnificent obsession. A most wonderful and soul satisfying attachment. There is nothing unhealthy about this. It should be the heartbeat for every believer. 

Sadly, we are amused and distracted by lesser attachments. People come and go in and out of our lives. I have not talked to one person I went to high school with in years. I rarely even think of them. There are so many people I was very close to at one time and then relocating changed the dynamic of our relationship. It is not that we do not love each other anymore. We are just not around one another. Possessions come and go. They fade, wear out, break, or become obsolete in our ever changing world of technology. 

None of those things are true for God. He is worth attaching our souls. He is worth our obsessive seeking. He is worth our most passionate pursuit and our most diligent devotion. He is worth our fixation. So go ahead. Obsessively attach yourself to Him. 

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