Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 I read a quote yesterday that challenged me by Erwin McManus. He asked are we really trying to discern the will of God or considering if we have the courage to do it?

I prayerfully thought about that a long time. Courage. The ability to do something that frightens me. When I got honest before God, there was one thing that I most would never want Him to ask me to do. It terrifies me. Disclosing that is not important in this discussion. What is important is if I have the courage to obey should God ever call me to do that thing? 

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is following through even though you are gripped by fear. Courageous faith tramples fear. The greater concern is disobeying or disappointing God. Courage is not foolishly throwing caution to the wind. Courage is clearly hearing the call of God and stepping out in faith when you cannot see all the details. It is not avoiding risk, but trusting God in the middle of the risk. 

The Bible is filled with stories about courage. Abraham leaving His country in Gen 12:1-2. Moses opposing Pharaoh in the book of Exodus. Joshua following Moses in leadership in Joshua 1:9. Joshua and Caleb wanting to go into the Promise Land when the majority cowered in fear. Numbers 13-14. Elijah standing alone for God amidst an army of false prophets. I Kings 18. David running toward Goliath. I Samuel 17. Some fishermen willingly following Jesus. Matthew 4:18-20. Paul returning to the very city that nearly stoned him to death to preach the unpopular message of Jesus.  Acts 14.

Do I have the courage to really follow Jesus like those people mentioned above? Do I have the guts to put my money where my mouth is in my faith? Am I willing to run toward risk when called to do so? Am I willing to deny fear to act courageously? I want to say yes, but I think a more honest assessment would be that I will not truly know until I am put in that situation. 

There are cowards in the faith. There are also courageous people of valor in the faith. Which one most identifies you? May Joshua 1:9 fuel courage in all of us to follow God's lead fully. 

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